Thursday, September 25, 2014

Leviticus 20-25   Some of this is a restating of what has already been taught.  The overall theme is the Holiness of God and the consecration and sanctification of the people.
God rescued and redeemed the people of Israel out of Egypt.  ( As He rescued us and redeemed us)
He gave them His Law so that they would know His will for them in every part of their lives.( As He reveals in His Word His perfect will for us)
 He provided a way of atonement and forgiveness for when they sinned against Him. ( As He has provide atonement for us through Christ our Lord.)

Yet, He was not finished with them.  He gives them continuing instruction for purity and holy living.  They are called to consecrate themselves, to be holy - because God is holy.  Their part is to follow His statutes and practice what He has told them.   ( 20:7)   But that is not enough.. " ... I am the LORD who sanctifies you." (verse8)  The Lord Himself does the sanctifying.   He has "separated" them from the peoples. ( verse24).  "Thus you are to be holy to Me, for I the LORD am holy; and I have set you apart from the peoples to be Mine."  This is also true for us.  Is is the Lord who sanctifies us through and through, and it our part to consecrate ourselves to be holy by obeying His Word. 

Chapters 21-22 give specific directions to the priests.  Because of their great responsibility to serve in the holy sanctuary of God they needed to be completely free of anything unworthy of the LORD.  Their relationships, their habits, their physical health, their handling of the offerings... everything was to be as perfect as possible.  Nothing less than their best was to be presented to the LORD.  Anything defective would profane His holy Name.  ".. but I will be sanctified among the sons of Israel; I am the LORD who sanctifies you. " ( 22:32)   God is worthy of the best we can give. Always!

Chapter 23 gives the teaching about the festivals which we have already looked at when reading about the Day of Atonement.  Again, I think it is important to note that God declares His "appointed times".   All of these appointed times involved coming apart from normal everyday life and work, to come apart  to God.   These celebrations acknowledged that all things came from God and belonged to Him.  To give thanks and praise and worship to Him.   To repent and find atonement for sins from Him.  And a time to celebrate God's goodness.

Chapter 24 starts out with some more directions for the priests - keeping the oil lamps burning and keeping the memorial portion of bread ( which represented the tribes of Israel) before the LORD.   Everything was to be kept "in order".
Starting at verse 10 there is a story about a boy/man who had an Israelite mother, but who's father was an Egyptian.  It seems that the father is not in the picture at the time of the incident.  This man fought with another man in the camp and he blasphemed the Name of the LORD.  They brought him before Moses and the LORD pronounced judgement on him.  He was stoned to death because he cursed God.

Chapter 25 gives the law about the sabbath years and the year of jubilee.  It talks of how the Lord will provide for His people when they are obedient in observing these special times.  The redemption of land, houses, and men were all based on how many years were left until the next year of jubilee.  We are never told that Israel actually obeyed this....

Verses 35-56  teach about the treatment of the poor and needy.   Over and over the Lord stresses that they are to treat these people fairly and kindly... in reverence to HIM.  The needy were His servants, not theirs.  They were to respect their fellow countrymen and to keep in mind that they all belonged to God, who commanded them to revere Him.

Father in Heaven.  Teach us your ways and sanctify us that we may walk in them.  You are the Almighty God and all things come from You and all things are for You.  We are Your servants and You the LORD are our God.  We present our bodies, living and holy sacrifices to You.  May they be acceptable in Your sight.  Transform us by renewing our minds and hearts by Your holy Word.  In Jesus Christ and Him alone do we come,  Amen.

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