Friday, September 26, 2014

E.M. Bounds wrote " The progress to consummation of God's work in this world has two basic principles - God's ability to give and man's ability to ask..... God's ability to do and to give has never failed and cannot fail; but man's ability to ask can fail, and often does. Therefore the slow progress which is being made toward the realization of a world won for Christ lies entirely with man's limited asking.... The church on its knees would bring heaven on the earth."  He goes on to say that the scope of our prayers must be to " plead for others.  Intercession for others is the hallmark of all true prayer. ... Prayer is the soul of a man stirred to plead with God for men..... to be concerned for the spiritual and eternal welfare of others."

Prayer is the most valuable work we can and must do. God has called us to it.  Bounds says men and women must "give their brains and heart to prayer" .  Business men who pray, government leaders who pray, men and women who pray.... are God's agents on earth and God will use them and make much of them.. and do wonderful things through them.

Leviticus 26  The Lord gives His final Words about the law.  If Israel obeys the Law, blessings will be given.  If they rebel against the Law, then curses will be brought down upon them.  This is His abiding principle.  It is the same as what happened in the Garden of Eden.  As long as Adam and Eve did not break the one command - to not eat of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil - they were blessed.  But when they broke that "law",  the curse was brought down upon them - and all mankind.

The blessings of God are:
Rains in there seasons
Land yielding produce
Trees bearing fruit
Food that is sufficient
Security in the land
Elimination of wild beasts
No swords against them.
Ease of victory against all enemies.
God's presence with them.
God's acceptance of them.
God would perfectly provide for all their needs and they would have His Presence in their midst.  Truly Paradise restored.

But, if they did not obey, if they broke the covenant then God would:
Send sudden terror, consumption and fever that would destroy sight and "cause the soul to pine away"
Allow enemies to steal their crops
Allow enemies to strike them down
Allow enemies to rule over them
Break down their "pride of power"
Make the sky like iron.
Make the land like bronze
The land would not produce food
The trees would not yield fruit
The beasts of the field would be set loose on their children and their cattle, the population would decrease.
Swords would come against them
Pestilence would come against them.
There would not be enough food
They would devour their own children
Cities would be laid waste.
The land would become desolate.
They would be scattered among the nations.
They would become weak.

As I read this list... I think of the Ebola virus in Africa, the terrorists in Syria and Iraq, the fires in California,  the poverty and hunger around the world..... the weakness and lack of faith and obedience in Israel and in America.... and see that all that God has said is exactly what He has done.

Yet, He does not leave us there, rotting away in our iniquities... Verses 40-42 " If they confess their iniquity and the iniquity of their forefathers, in their unfaithfulness which they committed against Me, and also in their acting with hostility against Me...... or if their uncircumcised heart becomes humbled so that they them make amends for their iniquity, then I will remember My covenant with Isaac, and My covenant with Abraham as well, and I will remember the land." 

God still calls us to Himself. He desires that we confess our sins, that we humble ourselves, that we repent and make amends for our disobedience to His Word... and He tells us that when we do that - He will remember His promises.  He will redeem us and restore us to fellowship with Himself forever.
And because of this - we pray.  Not just for ourselves but we plead for the eternal welfare of others.
That they also will confess their sins,  humble themselves before God and repent, turn around from curseful living to the life that brings God's blessings.

Our Father in Heaven,  thank You for never leaving us or forsaking us, but for providing for our redemption through Jesus Christ the Lord.  Your Word is truth and it lights our path so that we can see You, the Majestic and Merciful God, Who rules over all with grace and glory.  Help us this day to walk in righteousness.  Fill us with Your Spirit.  We desire Your will and Your Kingdom and Your glory. Amen

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