Monday, September 15, 2014

Leviticus 1-9

As we worshiped in church Sunday morning and the offering was being collected, I  thought about these passages  and about how all of the sacrifices commanded in the OT Law can be remembered in our giving of our tithes and offerings ....

As the burnt offerings were completely yielded and given to the Lord - we should come before Him and present ourselves and all that we have and all that we are -  wholly back to Him. 

As the grain offerings were  given, at the beginning of harvest time and at the end, with oil and incense -we should think of the Lord's provision of our daily bread, our daily needs, the gift of His anointing Spirit, and the privilege of prayer at the throne of Grace. 

As the sin offerings and guilt offerings were presented every day and at every offense - we should daily confess our sins and remember the cost of our atonement, the blood of Christ. He freely gave to us the Lamb of God, the only Begotten Son with amazing, lavish grace  - so we should give our offerings out of love and humble, thankful hearts.

As the peace offerings, whether for thanksgiving or for fulfillment of a vow, were joyfully presented and celebrated - we should give to the Lord with cheerful, generous, and grateful hearts; celebrating His goodness and blessings to us. 

When we place our offerings in the plate as it is passed, we often do so with little thought.  Or it is an obligation or a demand to meet the budget....and this does not make us cheerful givers. nor  is it an act of worship that way.

 But, if we relate our giving to the sacrifices offered:
if we are giving ourselves wholly to Him, as He gave Himself wholly for us;
if we are thanking Him for His daily provisions;
if we are praising Him for the atonement He provided through the cross of Jesus Christ;
if we are celebrating His goodness to us, remembering Who He is and all that He has done ...
Then our giving becomes worship.  It honors God our Creator and Sustainer. It acknowledges Him Who gives all things freely for us to enjoy.  It is a celebration of our eternal salvation in Christ Jesus.  It is a spiritual act of obedience and fellowship in the Spirit of God.  

The Israelites could not go to the temple and worship passively, silently, or privately.   It was public, noisy, and bloody.  It was an active participation of obedient, faithful worship .
Worship is more than just the singing of a few songs, no matter how heartfelt that singing might be.
Worship is an active response to the Presence of Almighty God.   Perhaps we could even say that the giving of our offerings is even more of an act of worship than the singing of hymns or choruses.

"Come, let us worship and bow down!  Let us kneel before our God, our Maker. For He is our God and we are the sheep of His pasture."   All we have has come from His hands.  He has provided.  Worship Him with hearts of thanksgiving and praise.  Worship when you place your offering in the plate or box, or however you do it. Just do it! You will find that you can never out-give Him.  He is our amazing God!

Father, we worship You.  Thank You for the abundance of grace and mercy that You have showered on us.  Fill us with the knowledge of Your will, with all spiritual wisdom and understanding.  Bless Your holy Name!  Teach us all of Your ways that we may walk in obedience and love.
In Jesus we come, Amen.

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