Friday, August 29, 2014

Mark 14:12-31  The Lord sends 2 of His disciples to prepare the Passover meal for them in Jerusalem.  All these little mysteries....
A colt willingly provided.
A room secretly prepared.
A man carrying water to lead them.
A betrayal from one of the intimate group of 12 disciples.

Bread - His body- broken and given freely.
Wine- His blood- poured out for many, a covenant-a contract- a testament.

The Shepherd will be struck down.
The sheep will be scattered.
The insistent promises of Peter -turned to ashes in just a few hours time.

God in perfect wisdom, made a perfect plan.  With perfect love and goodness, He sent His perfect lamb. It is more than we can understand.  It is more than we could ever ask.

Tozer wrote: " The incarnation of the Eternal Son in human flesh was one of God's mighty deeds, and we may be sure that this awesome deed was done with a perfection possible only to the Infinite." and
"Atonement too was accomplished with the same flawless skill that marks all God's acts.  However little we understand it all, we know that Christ's expiatory work perfectly reconciled God and men and opened the kingdom of heaven to all believers."

A wonderful mystery - that God would love us this much.

Father, thank You. You are good.   You are merciful and gracious. Slow to anger and great in lovingkindness.  All Your works are wonderful.  Even when our limited minds cannot understand.
May Your perfect will be done.
In Jesus' Name we pray.

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