Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Leviticus 19  Sixteen times in this chapter alone the Lord declares " I am the Lord your God" or "I am the Lord".    Parts of this echo the 10 Commandments and parts seem to be a clarification of those laws.  Other laws are... well, interesting...

Again the Lord declares this, " You shall be holy of I the Lord your God am holy."   His will for His people is that they have clean and pure hearts that are a reflection of their God.   His laws are for the good of the nation and for each individual.  They are for the rich and the poor, for the native and for the foreigner.

Mentioned in this chapter are these laws:

Reverence your mother and father.
Keep the sabbaths.
Do not make idols.
Don't eat the meat from the peace offering after the 3rd day.
Don't reap all the grain or pick all the fruit.. leave some for the needy.
Don't steal.
Don't lie to one another.
Don't swear falsely about something.
Don't oppress your neighbor.
Don't rob him.
Don't treat a deaf or blind person cruelly.
Don't be unjust or unfair.
Don't slander someone.
Don't hate your fellow countryman.
Don't take vengeance.
Love your neighbor as you love yourself.
Don't crossbreed, cross pollinate, or mix materials together.
If a man rapes a slave woman, he must bring a guilt offering.
When they entered the new land they were told to plant fruit trees, don't  eat the food for the first 3 years,  offer the 4th year's fruit to the Lord, and start enjoying the fruit the 5th year.
Don't eat anything with blood.
Don't practice divination or soothsaying.
Don't cut your beards in different ways.
Don't cut your bodies for the dead.
Don't tattoo your bodies.
Don't make your daughter a harlot.
Keep the sabbath.
Revere the sanctuary.
Don't use mediums or spiritists.
Honor the aged.
Don't treat foreigners badly,  but love him.
Have honest weights for buying and selling

Now, most of these we can agree with.  They make sense, are reasonable, and we are glad for them.
A few are cultural - such as the cutting of the beard or body - which were probably pagan practices.  The divination, soothsaying, use of mediums or spiritists,  are all forbidden occultic practices.  God is again telling His people, "Do not be conformed to this world...." Be set apart - be holy. 

When Jesus is asked about which commandment is greatest He answered, " And you shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind, and with all your strength. The second is this, 'You shall love your neighbor as yourself.'"  The first part is a quote from Deuteronomy 6:5 and the second is from this chapter in Leviticus.  So right in the middle of this seemingly random list of laws, is the second greatest Law of all of them, according to Jesus.

Think about this.  The Lord is calling his people to be holy because He is holy.   He is reminding them over and over that He is the LORD their God.  He is calling them out to Love... to Love  HIM and to love their neighbors, their countrymen, the poor, and the foreigners.  To respect and honor Him and each other.  When we love God with all of our heart, soul, mind, and strength we will obey His laws that define what it means to be holy.  When we treat others in accordance with these laws, we are loving them,  and that is holy in the sight of God.  

Father in heaven,  You are Holy.  You are worthy of our love and obedience in all things.  Forgive us our trespasses against Your holy will.  Help us to love You with all of our being and to love others as ourselves.  Help us to respect and honor one another with truth and fairness, with kindness and patience.  Only You can make us holy. Transform us into the holy people that You desire for us to be.  Renew our minds and renovate our hearts we pray.  In Jesus Christ, our Redeemer, we ask these things.  Amen

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