Thursday, September 18, 2014

Leviticus 12-14 The Lord gives Moses very specific instructions on how to deal with health issues. The purpose is summed up in 14:57 " .. to teach when they are unclean and when they are clean."
These laws include the woman who has a baby, a person who has a sore on his body, clothing that has some kind of mark on it, and houses that are infected with some sort of mark.

Chapter 12 deals just with the woman who has a baby.  It outlines the time of her "uncleanness" or "the days of her purification".  Afterwards, they take an offering to sacrifice.  A sin offering is given, atonement is made, and the woman is declared clean.  This seems very strange to us. But in a day without modern conveniences the woman would not be able to keep the discharge of blood from flowing as neatly and contained as we do now.  This time of isolation or separation would help and it would also give the woman the privacy from public life, so she could bond with her newborn.

In chapters 13-14 the laws specify what the priests were responsible for when there was an outbreak of infection on a  person or an object.  It goes into great detail describing what is ok and what is not.
The priests did not treat the problem but were instrumental in deciding what would happen next.  In the worst case the person would be diagnosed with leprosy and sent outside the camp. An article of clothing that was "infected" would be burned, or an infected house would be torn down.  But in every case there was an observation made, seven days of quarantine, another inspection, and then a decision made.   Also, there would be hope of healing and cleansing and restoration of the person or thing.

These procedures are reasonable and sensible.  God's laws are always for the welfare of His people.
They were not tedious laws given by a picky and uncaring dictator.   We need to look "deeper than the surface" ( 14:37)

The priests were not to make hasty judgements.  They were to make careful observations and evaluations.  They were not to isolate themselves from those who were suffering - but to be intimately acquainted with the individual and the family, and the community as a whole.

The dominant principle continues to be the same as in previous chapters - God is Holy and He desires His people to be holy too.  He wants to help us and He provides for us in all of our daily needs - physical, spiritual, and practical...

Thank You Heavenly Father for Your tender care for us, the sheep of Your pasture.  Keep us from all unrighteousness.  Heal us and cleanse us from those infectious spots of sin and rebellion and unbelief.  May we know the love and care of our Great Shepherd, who anoints our heads with oil, Who leads us beside the still waters, and Who makes us to lie down in green pastures.  May we hear His voice and follow Him.  When we are weighed down with life;  when we are carrying burdens too heavy; when sin or doubt or worry breaks out like a sore on our soul... take us aside into Your care and bring us back into fellowship with You, cleanse us and make us whole...we ask this in the  Powerful Name of Jesus,

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