Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Leviticus 10  Aaron's 2 sons Nadab and Abihu,  were given the ministry of serving in the tabernacle.  They were made priests of God.  Leaders and teachers of the people of Israel.  But they made a fatal decision.  They offered "strange fire" on the altar of incense.

 God had given them detailed instructions on what could be offered to Him.  In Exodus 30:9 the command was given, " You shall not offer any strange incense on this altar or burnt offering or meal offering; and you shall not pour out a libation on it."   Verses 34-35 of that chapter record the instructions for the incense, " Take for yourself spices, stacte, and onycha and galbanum, spices with pure frankincense; there shall be an equal part of each. And with it you shall make incense, a perfume, the work of a perfumer, salted, pure, and holy." Furthermore, they were instructed to never "make in the same proportions for yourselves; it shall be holy to you for the Lord."

What ever led Nadab and Abihu to offer this "strange fire" that day, we do not know.   Was it a mistake? Laziness? Rebellion?  Was it something they had used in Egypt?  Whatever it was, God considered it dishonoring and immediately pronounced judgement.  The men were consumed by God's Holy fire.

" By those who come near Me I will be treated as holy."  God is HOLY.  Tozer wrote, " We know nothing like the divine holiness.  It stands apart, unique, unapproachable, incomprehensible and unattainable. The natural man is blind to it.  He may fear God's power and admire His wisdom, but His holiness he cannot even imagine."  ( From the Knowledge of the Holy)

Nadab and Abihu failed to approach the Holy One of Israel with reverent hearts that recognized the utter holiness of God.  Their failure cost them their lives.

Aaron and his remaining two sons, Eleazar and Ithamar, were told to stay in the tabernacle and not to join in the mourning of these deaths.  They were told to eat.  They would also die if they disobeyed at this time.

The word "strange"  (zuwr)- foreign, profane; can mean to commit adultery.  God, remember, describes Himself as a "Jealous God".   He commands His people to have no other gods.  He wants His people to " make a distinction between the holy and the profane, and between the unclean and the clean," ( Verse 10).   He wants us to be holy.  And that is impossible for man, except by His redemptive grace.

Again, listen to Tozer's teaching, " God is holy and He has made holiness the moral condition necessary to the health of His universe.  Sin's temporary presence in the world only accents this.  Whatever is holy is healthy; evil is a moral sickness that must end ultimately in death.... Since God's first concern for His universe is its moral health, that is, its holiness, whatever is contrary to this is necessarily under His eternal displeasure.  To preserve His creation God must destroy whatever would destroy it.... God's wrath is His utter intolerance of whatever degrades and destroys.  He hates iniquity as a mother hates the polio that would take the life of her child."

Israel learned a great lesson that day.  But, it was not the last time they had to learn it.  Years later, David tried to have the Ark of the Covenant moved to Jerusalem.. but one of the men touched it to keep it from falling, and died instantly.  Years after that, Ananias and Sapphira lied about an offering, offending the Holy Spirit, and were also slain immediately.

We don't hear of this happening so much any more.  Sometimes I wonder why God doesn't strike down those in our day who speak such blasphemy and evil.  But I am thankful that He is so merciful and patient with us.  Thankful that we can "hide in our unholiness in the wounds of Christ as Moses hid himself in the cleft of the rock while the glory of God passed by. We must take refuge from God in God. Above all we must believe that God sees us perfect in His Son while He disciplines and chastens and purges us that we may be partakers of His holiness." ( Tozer)

"I shall extol Thee, My God, O King. I will bless Your holy Name forever and ever."  (Psalm 145:1)
Father in Heaven,  our Holy God and King,  we bow before You and acknowledge Your holiness and our unworthiness.  We never want to come to You with "strange" fire, with any attitude that does not honor You or treat You as holy.  Forgive us Lord, for our rebellious, ignorant, and perverse hearts.  That we would think we can come into Your Presence in any other way but by Jesus, our Savior and Lord.  It is the blood of the Lamb that atones for our sins.  Thank You for saving us. For making it even possible to come to the throne of grace.  Lead us nearer and nearer still we ask, in His Name. Amen.

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