Friday, September 19, 2014

Leviticus 15

Chapter 15 teaches that there is a need for men and women to take careful precautions with physical discharges.  Again, this isn't some random, fanatical set of laws, but reasonable and wise directions for people everywhere and at all times.   Today, as we read the news about the spread of Ebola in west Africa, these simple precautions would save the lives of many.  Yesterday, a group of men went into a village in Guinea to teach the people how to stem the spread of the disease.  The village people were animists.. they did not want to hear this good and reasonable word.. and they attacked and killed those who came to help them stay healthy.   Likewise, there are many in our nation who want to say that the Word of God, especially those we are reading in Leviticus, are no longer important or valid. But, I don't believe that is true.  The western world has accepted these truths.. but we think we do it because of what science has revealed.  We don't want to believe something because God said it... but because Science "proves" it....  Ha!  Science has only found out that what God said thousands of years of go IS true!

Verse 31 gives us a spiritual principle that is important for us to take heed of, " Thus you shall keep the sons of Israel separated from their uncleanness, lest they die in their uncleanness by their defiling My tabernacle that is among them."  Just as we take precautions with physical cleanliness to prevent the spread of disease, we need to take precautions with our spiritual health.  We do so my examining ourselves often, confessing our uncleanness and coming to our Savior Who alone can wash us white as snow.  We also need to take care not to contaminate God's tabernacle - which is His Church, His Body - by taking our sinful, unclean hearts and attitudes, and spreading them around to other Christians.  And just like we need to wash ourselves every day,  we need to examine our hearts by the Light of His Word every day!

O Holy, holy God, we confess that we are unholy and unclean in Your sight.  Yet we can praise and  offer thanks to You that by Your great grace, Jesus has washed away all of our sins and made us clean and whole again.  Help us to take heed of Your holy Word and to walk according to Your Light that has been freely given to us.  All we have is Yours Lord God and all we do is for Your glory.  Open our eyes to see You, to have a transforming vision of Your Majesty, to be renewed in our minds as we come to truly know You.  In Jesus' Name we ask this, amen.

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