Friday, May 30, 2014

Psalm 6  David prays:
For God to hold back His anger, ( not to hold back the rebuke or the chastening. )
For God to be gracious... David is "pining away", "greatly dismayed",  and in need of rescue.
For God to save him because of  His lovingkindness.
David is humble enough to recognize that he needs God's rebuke and chastening.  That sin had a grip on him and he needed deliverance.  He appealed to God's love and mercy, for God's salvation and grace.  This is the first step in finding the healing we desperately need.

"But Thou O Lord, - how long?"   The darkness closes us in sometimes.  We can't stop our crying.
We are sick of it - like David, we say,   "I am weary of my sighing".  

We must lift up our eyes, like David,  "For the Lord has heard the voice of my weeping; The Lord has heard my supplication; The Lord receives my prayer."   This is TRUTH.  Even when we can't see anything happening - we can KNOW that God hears and God sees... and most of all God cares!
"For His anger is but for a moment, His favor is for a lifetime; Weeping may last for the night but a shout of joy comes in the morning."  

The enemy will be ashamed and dismayed.  He will turn back.  Victory belongs to our God.
Take refuge in Him alone. He sits on His throne and judges with righteousness. His "compassions fail not"! Believe it!

Father,  sometimes it  seems that You are not listening, but that is not the truth. Sometimes You are waiting on us to call to You in truth!  You do hear the cries of those who know Your Name.  You are "near to all who call upon" You, to all who call  upon You in truth. " The Lord is righteous in all His ways and kind in all His deeds." ( Psalm 145:17)  We can trust in You with all our hearts and know that You will lead us in Your direction.  It is difficult sometimes, we are weak and weary.... but O Lord, You are majestic! You are powerful and glorious.  You are noble and gallant and excellent in all Your ways.  Take us as we are, deliver us from all evil, and lead us in truth as we wait upon You.
In the wonderful Name of Jesus we come,

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