Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Psalm 8  "O Lord, our Lord, How majestic is Thy name in all the earth."   Lord - Master, Ruler, King, Sovereign God -  Your Name is powerful and glorious, mighty and worthy.  May we speak it with hushed and humbled hearts... may we always honor Your Name and never profane it.   You have "displayed Thy splendor above the heavens".  Your creation in the sky above and on the earth below is meant to reveal Your glory.
The beauty of the moon and stars.  The power of the wind and waves.  The vastness of the oceans and the wonder of the mountain ranges, show us Your majesty.   You have a love of beauty and have created a world full of magnificent works to display it for all to see.

"What is man that Thou dost take thought of him? And the son of man that Thou dost care for him?"
You made us in Your own image.  You have given us a position of stewardship over all Your works here on earth.  You have provided life and worth and glory for ... us.
How amazing!  How divine!

Father in Heaven, how can it be?  That You have chosen to reveal Yourself to us?  That You have planned and willed for us to know You, the majestic One, the King of Heaven and earth.
How glorious You are in all the earth.  How majestic is Your Name.
Lead us in Your paths of righteousness, for Your Name's sake.  Deliver us from evil.  Open our eyes to see You in the beauty of Your creation and in the wonder of Your Word.
Thank You for qualifying us to share in this wonder-filled inheritance of the saints in Your Kingdom.
Thank You for removing us from the dominion of darkness and transferring us into the Kingdom of Your Son, Who died to redeem us.
Bless Your Name!  Praise and honor and glory to Your holy Name.
Amen .

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