Saturday, May 3, 2014

Psalm 23  This psalm, the song of the shepherd, pictures the heavenly Father as the Supreme Shepherd.  The Lord seems to enjoy this description of Himself, for over and over in the Scriptures we hear Him say that we are His sheep, of His pasture.   Jesus called Himself the Good Shepherd and told us that His sheep will hear His voice and follow Him.  This psalm is a favorite of many, through-out the generations, for it offers this image of our Almighty God close up and personal.  I have read several books about this psalm written from a shepherd's perspective, and they offer wonderful insights.  Highly recommend that you find one and read it.  But, right now I just want to ponder the wonderful truths that we find in David's song.

"The Lord is my Shepherd".   Yahweh, the self-existant, holy God, the Creator of heaven and earth, the King of kings and Lord of lords... the great I AM.. is my shepherd.  God chooses to have a personal one-on-one relationship with each of His sheep.  He knows us by name, He sees our hearts, He hears our cries, He knows our need.  There is nowhere that we can go where He is not there.  There is nothing that we can do, that He does not see.  We belong to Him totally.   He has appointed Himself to be the Shepherd and He will not fail to do the job perfectly!

Dwell on this thought! Lord of Heaven, help me to grasp the great truth of these words! To meditate on them, to really believe them. To rest in this Truth.

Because You are my Shepherd.... " I shall not want."    I am "poor in spirit".. I am in great need, but You have appointed Yourself the task of providing for me all that I need.  Oh thank You Father!
I need "green pastures" - food for the body and rest for the soul.
I need "quiet waters" - to drink deeply of Your living water, without fear, without worry.
I need my soul to be restored - brought to wholeness and health in You.
I need guidance - to the right paths, to Your ways.
I need Your protection through dark valleys and evil threats.
You have given to me all these things!  Thank You!  What a great God You are!

And You are not done yet! You go beyond the necessities.. You add blessings that are far beyond our comprehension:

You "prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies."
You "anoint my head with oil".
Yes, my "cup overflows"!

Amazing love! Amazing grace!
"Goodness and loving kindness will follow me all the days of my life, and I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever."

From the beginning to the end.. You are there!  Through the good times and the bad.. You are there!
This is from You... not me.  I am not a sheep wandering around trying to find a shepherd. I am Your sheep because You found me and made me Your own.
I will follow You.
I will love You.
I will be Yours forever.

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