Monday, June 2, 2014

Psalm 5:3  " In the morning, O Lord, Thou wilt hear my voice; In the morning  I will order my prayer to Thee and eagerly watch."

How often to we pray and then watch?   We pray,  we bring our requests, our needs,  our fears and our worries... but we don't take the next step.. Do we remember to watch for the Lord to answer?

David brings God his concerns... respectfully and humbly-
"For Thou art not a God who takes pleasure in wickedness. No evil dwells with Thee." ( v4)  or as the Message puts it, " You don't socialize with Wicked, or invite Evil over as Your houseguest."

The boastful.
The "Mischief-makers"
The liars.
The murderers.
These are not welcome in God's House.  David asks God to hold them guilty and let them fall into their own traps. "Kick them out" ( verse10 The Message).

But David does not just pray against the wicked.  He seeks God's Presence.
"But as for me, by Thine abundant lovingkindness I will enter Thy house. At Thy holy temple I will bow in reverence for Thee.  O Lord, lead me in Thy righteousness because of my foes; Make Thy way straight before me."  Be our shield.  Be our refuge. Shelter us. Favor us.  Hear us.
And David knows what God's answer will be!
God, Himself, invites us in.   He "welcomes us with open arms when we run for cover to" Him.
 ( v11, The Message)  

Jesus assures us that if we seek Him we will find Him! When we knock the door will be opened.  When we ask, He will answer.  ( Matthew 7:7)
Like David we need to seek the right thing - His Presence and His righteousness.  Jesus says the same thing, " But seek first His kingdom and His righteousness; and all these things will be added to you."
Father in Heaven,  our Lord and our King,  teach us to truly wait upon You and to WATCH for Your answer.  We pray with eager hearts this morning, for Your Name to be honored, for Your kingdom to come and for Your will to be done.  We pray for the end of wickedness and evil and for the establishment of Your righteousness.  We pray for faith and hope and love, to live in Your Holy Presence today.  That we might do all things for You, in love.  Help us to love You with all our hearts and souls and minds today.  To trust Your lovingkindness.  To yield to Your will and walk in Your Spirit. We seek YOU today, Father.   Lead us in righteousness today, Lord.  In Jesus' Name we pray. Amen.

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