Thursday, May 1, 2014

Psalm 25  This prayer of David focuses on two themes - waiting on God and shame.  These two ideas are coupled together in verse 3, "Indeed, none of those who wait for Thee will be ashamed."

Waiting on God - The word used here actually means to "bind together by twisting; to collect, expect, to tarry".   One of my favorite books by Andrew Murray is Waiting on God,   a book that is well worth the time to read and study!  Murray says that "our first and highest duty is to wait on Him to do that work as He pleases." ( the work of salvation).
David uses this word 3 times in this prayer:
v3 as quoted above - when we wait on the Lord, we will not be ashamed.
v5 "For Thee I wait all the day." - waiting on God, bound together with Him, is to be a continual action.
v21 repeats this statement, emphasizing the value, the necessity, of constant communion and association with our Lord.

It is in the waiting that we avoid being ashamed, David tells us.  Twice David prays, "Do not let me be ashamed."  Ashamed - disappointed, confounded, delayed.   David does not want to bring shame to the Name of the Lord, nor does he want to be disappointed in the Lord.  David is walking out in faith, "O my God, in Thee I trust, do not let me be ashamed; do not let my enemies exult over me."
This is the foundational Truth that he is standing on:
Those who wait on the Lord will NOT be ashamed; but "Those who deal treacherously without cause WILL be ashamed." ( emphasis mine)
David believed this with all of his heart.  The rest of this psalm, this prayer, unfolds the beauty of a life lived on this Truth, a heart that waits on and for the Lord.

"Make me know Thy ways O Lord;
Teach me Thy paths.
Lead me in Thy truth and teach me
For Thou art the God of my salvation." (v4-5)

It is in the waiting that we begin to understand the will of God for our lives.  His ways, His truth, His life. It is in the waiting for the nearness of His Presence, for Him alone, that we will not be ashamed. This is what prayer is meant to be. Prayer is HOW we wait on God.

David meditates on the goodness of God. This is WHO we wait for.
"Remember O Lord, Thy compassion and Thy loving kindnesses, for they have been from of old." v6.  He is "good and upright".  He "instructs sinners in the way.  He leads the humble to justice, and He teaches the humble His way.  All the paths of the Lord are lovingkindness and truth."( v8-10)

Waiting on Him  is of great importance. This is WHY we wait on Him:
He pardons our great iniquity.
He instructs us in the way we should choose.
He makes our souls abide in prosperity.
He gives our children an inheritance.
He shares His intimate secrets with us.
He makes us understand His promises.
He rescues us from the net of the enemy.
He sees our troubled hearts, our afflictions, and He delivers us.
He guards our souls.
He is our refuge and redemption.

Father in Heaven,  let Your Holy Name be exalted, in my life and through my life.  May I never bring shame or disappointment to Your Wonderful Name.  Let Your Kingdom come! You reign in righteousness and truth for You are good and upright.  How we need Your kingdom to expand on this earth as it is in heaven.  Let Your will be done.  Instruct us in Your ways. Teach us and lead us in paths of righteousness for Your Name's sake.
Give us this day all that we have need of so that we might exalt Your Name. We wait for You.
Forgive us this day every sin, pardoning our iniquity, for we wait for You.
Lead us not into temptation , lead us in Your paths, for we wait for You.
Deliver us from the evil one, from his fiery darts and hidden nets, for we wait for You.

Thank You for the precious promise that when we wait on You we will not be ashamed.
For You alone Lord are our salvation.

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