Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Psalm 16  Life in God is:
full of joy

Does that mean there are no troubles?  Of course not!  David had plenty of enemies and plenty of problems.  But, David consistently placed his life in the Lord's hands.

v1 "I take refuge in Thee".   What does that mean, really?  Refuge - (chacah)- to flee for protection; to confide in, have hope, make refuge, put trust.   David proclaims this over and over in the psalms he wrote.  He practiced this in his every day life.  God was his refuge.
As I reflect on this simple statement... I have to examine my own life.  I have sought the Lord for protection often in my lifetime, I know... and in a very broad way I put my trust in Him and have hope in Him and confide in Him... but I have been learning anew this important practice, this act of faith. To turn to God in every part of my life and to TRUST Him.  Every day.
 I am challenged by this thought.  This degree of intimacy that God is inviting me into.
This total surrender and solitude with the Lord, with my Lord.

v2 David does just this,  " I said to the Lord, 'Thou art my Lord, I have no good besides Thee.'"
David commits to delighting in those who live for the Lord and to not associate with the idolators.
He wants no part of an earthly inheritance or kingdom, but is satisfied with the Lord Himself as his inheritance.
He chooses to bless the Lord.  ( Hallowed be Your Name)
He chooses to set the Lord before all else.  (Your Kingdom come)
He chooses to walk in the path that the Lord reveals to him. (You will be done)

Father in heaven, lead me in Your path, into a deeper walk with You. Be my refuge, not just in times of trouble, but every day, in every circumstance.  You are my Lord and I want nothing else.
All life is in You, Lord.  All that is good, all that brings joy and hope and eternal life.
I come to You, Lord. I take refuge in You.

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