Thursday, May 8, 2014

Psalm 20 The Lord - Yahweh, Jehovah - His Holy Name is to be exalted!
David prays for the nation, for the people, asking:
"May the Lord answer you in the day of trouble. May the Name of the God of Jacob set you securely on high! May He send you help from the sanctuary, and support you from Zion."v1-2

We have need of this prayer in our own nation, in our own families, in our own lives.  So, let us pray it!
 Father, please answer our cries to You,  we are needy people.  Come and lift us out of the miry clay, the mud that is sucking us under.  Help us, support us, deliver us we pray!  There are evil men in this world, doing evil works, men who hate the Truth,  men who follow Satan's ways... destroying, killing, stealing... nullify their plots, frustrate their plans, according to the mighty power of Your Hand. I pray for the people of Nigeria... the young girls taken into captivity by those who are evil.  Bring deliverance Father, by Your Name set them free!  I pray for our nation, Lord.  Deliver us from the lies and deception of those who seek to justify their own sins.  I pray for Your church.  Sanctify her Lord. Root out the false teachers from among us.  I pray for our families. Bring peace and hope and love into our families, Lord. Restore marriages. Bless the children.  Hear our cries to You!

"May He grant you your heart's desire and fulfill your counsel. We will sing for joy over your victory, and in the Name of our God we will set up our banners.  May the Lord fulfill all your petitions." v4-5

What a gracious prayer! What a mighty prayer!  May we learn to pray with such grace and with such boldness!
Father,  will You grant my loved one's heart's desire, will you allow her to fulfill her purpose before You. Will You grant her victory in Christ Jesus, her Lord .  Will You answer all of her petitions!
Father, will You grant these petitions for Your Church.  Fulfill her purposes. Grant her victory.  Give Your church her heart's desires, by Your Great Name.

"Now I know that the Lord saves His anointed; He will answer him from His holy heaven, with the saving strength of His right hand. " v6
Father, You are our salvation.  You reign from heaven.  You are able and willing to save us!  Thank You.

"Some boast in chariots, and some in horses; But we will boast in the name of the Lord, our God."
Father in Heaven, You alone are God.  Your Name we praise.  You are Lord.  Yahweh.   "I AM".
Ever living.  Ever powerful.  Ever Loving. Self-existent and revealing Yourself to us.  Yes, we boast in Your Name.  We sing out our praises to You!  Our God reigns!  Our God is mighty to save.  Our God lives and loves!  Our God is good!  The Lord is Sovereign over all of heaven and all of earth.  There is nothing that He cannot do!


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