Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Psalm 11-12
The songs of David help us to remember that God is forever Sovereign.   No matter how bad things seem in this world.. God is in control. David faced the same realities that we do... the wicked, those who refuse to bow before God, are fierce and dangerous and awful, they:

Take up their bows and arrows and aim right at the heart of the believers. ( 11:2-3)
Try to destroy the foundations on which we stand. (v3)
Speak falsehood to each other, flatter each other, boast of their own power.  ( 12:2-4)
Strut around like they are in charge and exalt what is actually vile in God's sight. (v8)

Like David we need to look to the Lord.
We can take refuge in Him.  He is a place of protection and security. ( 11:1)
We can rejoice that "The Lord is in His holy temple; the Lord's throne is in heaven; His eyes behold, His eyelids test the sons of men. " (v4)
He will judge the wicked and He will rain down fire and brimstone on them. ( v6)
He will allow only those who are upright to behold His Face. ( v7)
He will set us in a safe place. (v5)
He will speak perfectly pure Words that are forever preserved. (v6-7)  All His promises are TRUE!

It seems like every nation in this world has begun to take up their bows and arrows against the Christians.  It is not logical.  It is not reasonable.  It makes no sense politically.  Christians keep the law.  Christians do good works.  Christians are honest, kind, just, fair.  They make the best kind of citizens.  ( True Christians.. not those who use the name but don't know Jesus).   Yet, they are the target of persecution and intolerance.  Even here in America.   Those with wickedness in their hearts cannot stand those who live in the Light of God's Truth.  They work hard do destroy the church.  They try to discredit the Bible.  They try to accuse the Christians of doing wrong. They have flooded the culture with their lies.
But God sees.  
He is on the Throne of Heaven.
He will judge the unrighteous.  They will face His cup of wrath.
But, He also tests the righteous.   We must cling to Him.  We must find refuge in Him and stand against the schemes of the evil one.
We must put on the full armor of God so that we might be "strong in the Lord and in the strength of His might." ( Ephesians 6:10)
" For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the powers, against the world forces of this darkness, against the spiritual forces of wickedness in the heavenly places." v12

The belt of Truth will keep us from falling for the lies of the enemy.
The breastplate of righteousness will keep us from allowing sin to have a place in our hearts.
The shoes of peace keep us standing firm, ready to share the good news of Jesus.
The shield of faith extinguishes the flaming bombs that Satan throws at us.
The helmet of salvation protects our minds from doubting the power of God to save us.
The sword of the Spirit, God's Word, cuts through the darkness and exposes the Light.
Prayer - constant communication with our Captain - is essential!
Be alert - pray!
Persevere - pray!
Petition for all the Christians - pray!
Pray for boldness.  Pray for strength.  Pray for victory in Jesus!

Mighty King of Heaven, You are our gracious Father,  and we honor Your Holy Name.  We bow before You and surrender the throne of our hearts to You.  You alone are King.
We turn to You and put all of our hope in You, our refuge and strength.
We cling to You and ask that You will cover us with Your wings.
That You will equip us with Your armor and make us to stand firm in Christ Jesus the Lord.
We are weak but You are strong! Will You strengthen us "with all power according to Your glorious might" that we may endure, that we may be patient.  Fill us again with Your Holy Spirit. Fill us with the knowledge of Your will.  We joyfully give You thanks for bringing us into Your kingdom.  Lead us today, we pray.
We ask this in the Name of Jesus,

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