Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Psalm 10  Here is a sound description of the "wicked".
They are full of pride.
They harass and pursue their prey.
They boast of their lusts.
They are greedy.
They curse God.
They are haughty.
They refuse to acknowledge that there is a God.
They prosper.  ( Unfortunately that is the bottom line.)
They believe they are above judgement.
They curse and lie and oppress.
They speak only mischief and wickedness.
They secretly kill the innocent.
They watch in wait for the unfortunate.
They are like a lion, a wild beast.  They hide in wait to catch their prey. They crouch down and attack.
They convince themselves that God won't see what they are doing.
They spurn God, telling themselves that God won't require them to pay for their sins.

We see them on the news.  Television shows depict them intricately.  We know they walk our streets and we lock our doors because they are everywhere.  But do we pray?

"Arise, O Lord; O God, lift up Thy hand."  The psalmist prays.
Don't forget us!
Break the arm of the wicked.
Purge out the wickedness.
You are King forever, Lord!
Nations perish before You!
Hear us as we come humbly before You.
Strengthen our hearts.
Vindicate the orphan and the oppressed.
Stop the terror.

Here is a prayer right from God's inspired Word that we need to pray right now:

 Lord God, King forever, break the arms of the terrorists in Nigeria!  Vindicate those young girls being held captive.
Stop the terror! Lift up Your Hand, Almighty God!  You are in Your holy temple.  You are seated on the Throne of heaven.  Rain down fire upon those who are doing this wickedness.  Come Lord Jesus!

Father in heaven.  We face a different kind of wickedness here in our country.  Moral depravity is overtaking us.  They lie to themselves, believing that You are not real or that You are real but You don't care about their sins.  They don't see the judgement to come.  They have deceived themselves and are deceiving others.  Break the arms of the wicked, Lord.  Purge out this wickedness.  Hear our cries,  Lord of Heaven.  Let Your Name be proclaimed as Holy once again.  Let Your Kingdom come.  Let Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven.
Strengthen our hearts.
O Horn of our Salvation, victory is Yours. Come and reign over us.

Father, their is pride in our hearts. We boast in our heart's desires too.  We are greedy.  We sin.  Purge the wickedness from our hearts too, Lord.  Deliver us from all evil, especially the evil in our own hearts.  Thank You for saving us.  For redeeming us and blotting out our transgressions with the blood of Jesus Christ our Lord.  King of Heaven, fill us with the knowledge of Your will and compel us to walk in Your ways.  We can't do this on our own.  But we can do all things through Christ who strengthens us.  So we come in His Name, humbly making this plea.

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