Monday, April 1, 2013

Psalm 140 is a prayer for protection from the wicked.   The enemy is evil and violent ( v1).  They devise evil things and stir up wars (v2). They have sharp tongues and poisonous lips.( v3). They use their hands to do wicked things and they use their feet to trip us up. ( v4).  They use traps, snares, and nets. ( v5).   David asks to be rescued.  He puts his trust in his God, The Lord who is "the strength of my salvation" (v6)   For our God is able!  He will "maintain the cause of the afflicted, and justice for the poor." (v12)   Although we live in a society that is more and more devising evil, coming against those who believe in Jesus Christ the Son of God and in God the Father, we can be assured, He has not changed and is still the strength of our salvation!  Christ has disarmed the enemy of our souls!  He has canceled the debt, paid the price, for our sins, nailing them to the cross.  The enemy, the accuser is disarmed.  He can not make any accusations that stand.  Praise The Lord!  O sing "Hallelujah"!!!!  " Surely the righteous will give thanks to Thy Name; The upright will dwell in Thy Presence." (v13)

I Thessalonians 1
Paul gives thanks to God for this church.  He "makes mention" of their:
"work of faith"
"labor of love"
steadfastness of hope"
in The Lord Jesus Christ
in the presence of our God and Father. (v3)
God chose them.  The Word came to them in power, in the Holy Spirit, and with full conviction.
They received the Word with tribulation and joy.
They became imatators of Paul, Sivanus, and Timothy.
They sounded out the Word everywhere.
Their faith was well reported.
They were known for the fact that they had turned from idols to serve the Living and True God, and that they were ready and waiting for the return of Christ Jesus.
Are these qualities seen in our church?   Are we know for works of faith?  Do we labor in love? Do we have steadfast hope in Jesus?  Do we sound out the Word, the Good News, of Jesus everywhere?
Is our faith talked about? Are we known to be ready and waiting for the return of our Lord Jesus?
O Lord our Strength, Let us not believe the lies of the enemy, but KNOW the Truth of the Gospel of Jesus Christ!  Come with power  Holy Spirit and bring full conviction! Transform us to be a church known for our faith, love, and hope! Transform me O Lord!  I serve the Living and True God.  May my deeds, words, and life reflect that Truth every moment of every day.  Amen!

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