Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Psalm 138:1  Praise and thanks to You, Lord God, Heavenly Father, Maker of Heaven and Earth!  David says that he offers praise and thanksgiving with "all my heart".  With sincerity and zeal, says Matthew Henry's Commentary.  With all that is within me, " with uprightness of intention", with "fervency of affection", " with my inside impressions" agreeing perfectly with my" outward expressions".  O Lord, I must stop now and repent, confessing that I miss the mark, even in this simplest prayer.  I am thankful, but my thankfulness is often self-centered and perhaps out of habit instead of fervent affection and uprightness of intent.  Oh Lord,  change my heart!  May I have the attitude of David in lifting up praise and thanksgiving to You!

Amos 7
Amos is given a vision of Israel's destruction, first locusts that eat all the crops, then fire that burns all the land.  Both times Amos prays for Israel and God changes the plan.  But then God shows Amos a plumb line, a measuring tool, and will not spare Israel any longer.  They have rebelled enough.  Amaziah, a priest at Bethel, reports Amos for speaking against Israel.  But Amos cannot help but say what The Lord has told him to say.  Amaziah, himself, will come under great judgement for his sins against The Lord.
Amos 8  The Lord shows Amos a basket of summer fruit, picked, ripe, ready.  The end has come.  The people mistake the patience of God with the delay of judgement.  God will delay no longer.  When they refuse to repent and turn from their sins, judgement comes.   They "trample the needy" v4,
they "cheat with dishonest scales", and they "buy the helpless for money and the needy for a pair of sandals".  the Lord considers these sins so evil that He says " Indeed, I will never forget any of their deeds"  The earth will quake, darkness will fall, famine will come,  and all Israel will mourn.   There will be a famine, not for food, but "rather for hearing the words of The Lord"  People will wander, they will "stagger from sea to sea, and from the north even to the east" looking for the Word of The Lord and they won't find it.
Amos 9
God does not end Amos' mission with this devastation, but gives him one more vision. This time Amos sees The Lord, standing before the altar.  With words that remind me of Psalm 139 God tells Amos that no matter where people try to go from Him, they cannot hide.  To Sheol, into the heavens, on Mount Carmel, or on the bottom of the sea, God will be there.  For He is "The One who touches the land so that it melts," v5; "The One who builds His upper chambers in the heavens" v6; " He who calls for the waters of the sea and pours them out on the face of the earth, The Lord is His Name."
"All the sinners of My people will die by the sword"  the Lord tells Amos.   But , there is hope, for a day will come when the Land will be restored and the cities rebuilt.  God will raise up His Kingdom from the fallen "booth of David" .  Your Kingdom is an everlasting Kingdom!  Your Dominion endures throughout all generations!"  Hallelujah!  That day is coming!  O Come Lord Jesus! And may we be ready. Amen.

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