Monday, April 8, 2013

Psalm 139  The Omnipresecnce and omniscience of God!  David gives a testimony as to the greatness of God in this psalm.  There is a list of the wonderful acts that God does:
He has searched me.
He has known me.
He knows where I am and what I am doing.
He examines my walk, my path, carefully.
He is intimately familiar with my course of life, my mode of action.
He knows what I am about to say before I say it.
He is in front of me and behind me.
He puts his hand on me.
He is everywhere I go.
He leads me and holds my hand.
He sees in the dark as well as the light, so I don't have to be overwhelmed in the darkness.
He formed me, weaved by body together, and made me wonderfully and fearfully.
He saw me when I was but a fertilized cell and wrote my life's story, every day of it.
He thinks of me.
He is always with me.
He continues to search me, know me, refine me, redeem me, and lead me in His ways.

This is a deeply intimate and personnal list of the relationship between God and a human being.
What David realized and wrote is true for each of us. O Father, let me grasp this Truth is anew.  May I know You as You know me. To be confindent and firm in faith, believing this fully true for myself.

A plague of locusts comes to Israel. It is a destructive army that will ruin every crop, destroy every vine,  and devastate the whole nation.  Joel cries out to the people, from the elders to the farmers, even to the children and babies, the brides and the bridegrooms, to come, to humble themselves before God.  "For the day of The Lord is coming".  When The Lord comes in judgement it will be a terrible thing. No one will be able to endure it. " And it will come as destruction from the Almighty" v15.  Darkness, fire, earthquakes, and even the "heavens tremble" .   Fear The Lord's wrath and bow yourself before Him!  "Yet even now, declares The Lord, Return to Me with all your heart and with fasting, weeping, and mourning; And rend your heart and not your garments. Now return to The Lord your God, For He is gracious and compassionate, Slow to anger, abounding in lovingkindness. and relenting of evil." ( 2:12-13)
The Day of The Lord is coming.  Only those who call on His Name will be delivered.  All the nations will be judged. Judah and Jerusalem will be delivered. They will return to The Lord and know that He is The Lord their God.  Other nations will be recompensed according to their deeds.  Whatever they have done to God's people will be done to them.  The Lord Himself will avenge the blood shed and the violence done to Judah.
May our nation tremble before The Lord, the God of Israel.  May we also return to Him with all our heart and with fasting and weeping and mourning.  When discipline comes, when warnings are given, may we as a nation receive it and repent. May we repent and not rebel Oh Lord!  Pour out Your Spirit upon us O Lord,  that we may fall before You and call out to You and be saved.  Amen.

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