Friday, March 29, 2013

Psalm 141:5  " Let the righteous smite me in kindness and reprove me; It is oil to my head; Do not let my head refuse it."  David prays.   Tell me my faults and failures, but do it out of kindness and righteousness. That I might confess my sin, repent of my deeds, and return to God.  This is true love. Ps. 145: " The Lord sustains all who fall, and raises up all who are bowed down"  We do fall, we will have faults and failures, but when we do, we can trust The Lord to take hold of us and lift us up.  Ps. 37:24 " When he falls, he shall not be hurled headlong; Because The Lord is the One who holds his hand."  This is speaking of one whose steps are "established by The Lord and He delights in his way" He does not say "if" he falls, but "when" he falls. We are all in need of reproving.  May it be from kind and righteous friends who are not afraid to tell us the truth.  And may we be that kind of  friend, willing to gently come alongside and help a brother or sister recognize a fault or failure , so that they can confess their sin, and He who is faithful will forgive them and grand him righteousness.

Hosea 11-14  God speaks of Israel as His son.  A beloved son. He taught him to walk, he held him in His arms, He bent down and fed him. He wrapped in in bonds of Love.  What a beautiful image that is, of Father and son.  But Ephraim/ Israel rebelled.  They refused to return to God. They were full of lies and deceit, violance and idolatry. They were given everything, but they became proud and forgot the source of all things was God. And in their pride, their sins multiplied. In their rebellion against God, destruction and pain would overwhelm them.

God is a righteous judge and a loving Father.  He mourns the punishment that He will have to bring,
"How can I give you up, O Ephraim?  How can I surrender you, O Israel?" 11:8.  " My heart is turned over within Me,  All My compassions are kindled" 11:8b  Over and over He calls for His people to return to Him. 12:5-6 " Even The Lord, the God of hosts; The Lord is His Name.  Therefore return to your God, Observe kindness and justice; And wait for you God continually." and 14:1-2 " Return O Israel, to The Lord Your God.  For you have stumbled because of your iniquity; Take words with you and return to The Lord, Say to Him, 'Take away all iniquity, and receive us graciously, That we may present thr fruit of our lips'"  
There will come a day when the people of God will be healed of their apostasy and " his beauty will be like an olive tree"  They will find mercy when they return to  Him.  " Whoever is wise, let him understand these things; Whoever is discerning let him know them.  For the ways of The Lord are right and the righteous will walk in them, but transgressors will stumble in them." 14:9  Hosea ends with this precious and solemn Truth.  Our God will save and forgive those who return to Him and call out to Him.  He loves us enough that He paid the price of our redemption Himself.   But, He will not ignore our rebellion and idolatry.  Sin and iniquity will be punished.  Judgement is certain for those who do not call on the Name of Jesus to be saved.  We have all stumbled in sin, transgressing His laws. We are all unrighteous until we receive the righteousness of Christ .  Thank You Jesus for paying the price, dying on the cross to "take away the sins of the world" .  Taking away my sins.  Oh the mighty love and grace of God! "I will extol Thee, my God, O King!  I will bless Thy name forever and ever!"  Amen!!!!

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