Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Psalm 138:1-2  Not only will David give praise and thanksgiving to God with all his heart, with sincerity and zeal, but he will do it with "freedom and boldness" ( Matthew Henry's Commentary).
Before "the gods", before the  kings, the judges, the great men, before any one.  Praising God is a great work, it is the work of mighty angels in Heaven.  MHCommentary makes an interesting suggestion based on I Cor. 11:10, saying that angels are present in "religious assemblies".   Never thought of that, but I suppose that makes sense.  David goes on to say that he will worship, "bowed down" toward the holy temple.  MHC says " Christ is our temple, and towards Him we must look with an eye of faith, as Mediator between us and God, in all our praises of Him.  Heaven is God's Temple, and thitherward we must lift up our eyes in all our addresses to God. Our Father in Heaven".
"Every day I will bless Thee, and I will praise Thy Name forever and ever" Ps. 145:2.   Praise, true, sincere, passionate, bold, freely given expressions of praise to our Heavenly Father, in Christ and before angels.  This is the example and teaching David gives us.   Father in Heaven, I lift up my voice to praise You, "Great is The Lord and highly to be praised."  You are "gracious and merciful, slow to anger and great in lovingkindness"  You are good, You are infinite, You are merciful, immutable, loving and kind.  I praise You.  In Christ Jesus.  Amen.

One chapter, one vision given to Obadiah, regarding the destruction of Edom, the nation of the descendants of Esau.  They did "violence" to their brother Jacob.  They did not come to the aid of Israel. They "cast lots for Jerusalem". They gloated over the fall of Israel.  They were arrogant, believing in the security of their mountains and strongholds, but that would not stop the Hand of God.
"As you have done, it will be done to you. Your dealings will return on your own head."  This is true of every nation.  This is true of each of us. True of the way we forgive, true of the way we judge, the way we act.  Esau's house will have no survivors, but the house of Jacob will remain. It is the Lord's kingdom.  An everlasting kingdom that will endure throughout all generations.  "The kingdom of the world has become the kingdom of our Lord, and of His Christ; and He will reign forever and ever!" (Revelation 11:16).
 In both meditations today ( Ps. 138 and Obadiah) I have been led to the Lord's Prayer, Matthew 6:9ff
To pray to our Father in Heaven, and to forgive men for their transgressions as the Father has forgiven mine. To forgive is to lay aside the debt owed us for an offense or trespass done against us.  This is exceedingly difficult to do.  But our Father in heaven, in Whose Hands we find healing and mercy and grace, Who has infinite love and patience, and all power; He will "accomplish what concerns me"  Help me, Father, to truly forgive those who have hurt us.  I lay aside their debt.  I want only to know Your forgiveness for my great debt.  To be wholly yours in every way.  May it be so.

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