Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Psalm 139:7-16  God You are infinite, omniscient, and omnipresent.  You,  Who knows me perfectly, is always with me. As high as the heavens, as deep as the sea. In life and in death. You are with me, holding me with Your right Hand.  You created light and darkness, so they are under Your control.  The darkness does not hide anything from You.  You made me. You purposely and thoughtfully constructed me physically and spiritually.  No part of me is hidden from you or independent from You.  I am exactly as You planned me to be.  I cannot and will not hide from You. I long for the realization of Your Presence.  Oh may I dwell in the House of The Lord forever!

Amos 1-2
Amos is a sheepherder. A comman man. Yet he is given a message to speak and he obeys the voice of The Lord, to speak the Words of The Lord.
God speaks the judgement against each nation. He actually "roars from Zion"  He tells their transgression and their punishment. Each time he tells the final, the fourth and greatest crime.
BKC - the word for sin ( pesa) means rebellion or revolt.  It was used in treaties to describe a vassal's disobedience of the terms of a covenant.   The gentile nations were guilty of " rebellion against a divinely established and universally recognized agreement. "  They were held to the covenant of God with all humanity made at the time of Noah,  to refrain from shedding blood with disregard of human life. Gen. 9 :6-7 " whoever sheds man's blood, by man his blood shall be shed, For in the image of God He made man. And as for you be fruitful and multiply.  Populate the earth abundandly and multiply in it."
Damascus was guily of "threshing" Gilead. The iron teeth of the sledges were like knives.  It could be a method of torture they used on prisoners, or a violent and thorough conquest of the land east of the Jordan.  Their punishment would come from The Lord. It would be a fire that would consume and destroy Damascus and end the dynasty of Hazael.  This happened in 732 BC by the Assyrians.
Gaza was guilty of taking whole communities captive and selling them as slaves.  Treating defenseless people as mere objects.  Their punishment was annihilation.  This was completed in 2 steps, first by the Assyrians and finally during the Maccabean period in 168-134 BC.
Tyre also was guilty of slave trading, but was even worse for they sold off those that they were "brothers" with according to a covenant.  Their punishment was also destruction by fire.  This was fulfilled in 332 B.C. by Alexander the Great.
Ammon was particularly awful for they cruelly killed pregnant women and their unborn babies.  God would send fire and violent winds against the cities and send the king into exile.  This also was accomplished by Assyria.
Moab's sins included desecration of the graves of Edom's kings.  They had contempt on everyone and no respect for humanity.  Fire and war also came to Moab through the Assyrians.
The final judgements were pronounced against Judah and Israel.  Their rebellion was against the Law of The Lord, not just the everlasting covenant made with Noah.  They had a unique agreement with God.  Judah's sin of idolatry and deception would bring  the punishment of fire and destruction, fulfilled by Nebuchadnezzar in 586 B.C.
Israel's sins are spelled out futher - injustice, perversion, sexual sins, oppression, and idolatry.  They sold the poor into slavery callously.  This violated God's covenant which called for generosity to the poor.  They exploited the poor, denying justice to the oppressed.  They were immoral. They mocked God's Holy Name.  They took as collateral the things they were not supposed to take, leaving the family with nothing to live on.  This was also contrary to the covenant.   And worst of all they took from the poor and offered it to idols.  In light of all God had done for them, these sins were unforgiveable.  Punishment  would come . The crushing of rebellion would be devastating to all of Israel. Even the swiftest could not outrun it, even the strongest could not withstand it, even the mightiest could not be saved, even the best archer would not be able to fight back, and those who ran or rode a horse would not escape. The bravest of them would try to run away, but would not escape the punishment.
Sin is still sin, rebellion is still punishable and God had not changed His standards.  Oh Merciful God, forgive us and turn us from the sin of rebellion against Thine everlasting covenant and Thy divine Word. Amen.

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