Monday, April 15, 2013

Psalm 138  A psalm of thanksgiving.  David thanks God and extols Him through his song.
He acknowledges Gods sovereignty - bowing down to God before "the gods" and before the temple.
He acknowledges God's loving kindness and truth. v2.
 He acknowledges God's word.
 He acknowledges God's Grace to answer prayers. v3
He acknowledges God's power over all kings.
He acknowledges the glory of God's grace, for His regard of the lowly.
He acknowledges God's goodness - to revive those in distress when they call upon Him.
He acknowledges God's justice - to deal with the enemies, and to save His servants.
He acknowledges God's faithfulness - that He will "accomplish what concerns me" or as the amplified says " The Lord will perfect that which concerns me; Your mercy and loving-kindness, O Lord, endure forever, forsake not the works of You own Hands."
" I will give thanks to Thee with all my heart" v1.  This is the song we all must sing when we Know God in Truth.  Amen.

Amos 6  Describes a group of people who are wholly satisfied and proud of themselves.
They recline on beds of ivory and sprawl on couches.
They eat lambs and calves,
They spend time in music, improvising on the harp and composing songs.
They drink wine from bowls set apart for sacrificial rituals
They sprinkle themselves with expensive oils.

Everything is luxury and even excessive.  But, they have no concern that their country is about to fall.  They are about to go into exile.  Complete destruction of their great houses is coming.
Is this not where we are also?  Enjoying our luxuries and ignoring the needy? Pampering ourselves and caring not for others? O Lord, forgive us, forgive me and show me the things that I must do.  Thank You for Your loving-kindness and for the power of Your Word!  Amen.

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