Friday, April 12, 2013

Psalm 139  Father, as I once again read and reflect on this psalm of David, I rejoice in the precious truths presented here. That You know me perfectly, that You are everywhere I am,  that You created me exactly the way I am, and that You know where I have been and where I am headed for You have already read my story in Your Book.  With David, I once again agree to Your search of my heart, to Your removal of all that is hurtful, and to Your leading in the paths of righteousness, the everlasting way.   With Thomas a Kempis I pray, " O Lord, I stand much in need of yet greater grace..."  to live for You alone.  To not worry or fret over what pertains to others, what they say or how they act, but to live in humble obedience to You, my King.  May I walk in the Light, as You are in the Light, You are the Light.  Perfect and Holy, Mighty and Gracious. I will extol Thee! I bless Your Name. I give thanks to You, O Lord! Great is Your faithfulness, Your Love, and Your kindness.  Amen.

Amos 4
Amos addresses the "cows of Bashan".  Well-to-do women of Samaria who demanded their husbands to provide all the finer things of life, at the expense of the poor and needy.  God's punishment would include them being taken away with meat hooks, cows taken to the slaughter house. These women loved their religious rituals: morning sacrifices, tithes every 3 days, thanks offerings, and freewill offerings.  They were over-achievers, and proud of it! But in all of their religious activities, they did not know, love, or serve God.  They ignored every warning and refused to humble themselves before Him.
v6 - He sent famine.
v7- He sent drought
v9 He sent scorching wind, mildew, and caterpillars to destroy their gardens, vineyards, and groves
v10 He sent a plague, and he sent war.
v11 He overthrew them.  Overturned, changed, turned them every which way
But in all this, they " have not returned to Me, declares The Lord"
Therefore "Prepare to meet your God, O Israel" (v12) - the mountain Former, the wind Creator, the One Who knows the thoughts of man, The One who controls dawn and darkness, The One who is over all of the earth.  "The Lord God of hosts is His Name"  Since they have forgotten Who He is, He re-introduces Himself to them.  He is The Lord ( Jehovah - self-existent One) God ( Elohiym - supreme, exceedingly great, mighty judge) of hosts (armies, mass of people, battle/ soldiers) .
Chapter 5
The indictment against Israel continues, but a call to repentance is woven into this message.  Over and over God calls them to "Seek Me that you may live"
v2 Israel has fallen and there is no one to "raise her up"  ( David had said that The Lord would raise those who were bowed down, but Israel refused to bow); No one else is able to raise up a nation.
v3 Out of a thousand only a hundred would survive, out of a hundred only 10.  The cities would be devastated.
v5 - the places of refuge and safety would be unavailable.  Gilgal, Bethel, Beersheba would be in trouble too.  No place to run to.
v6-9 Amos again focuses on Who God is, He is the Judge and He is coming in Judgement.  The One Who made the stars, who made day and night, Who controls the seas, it is this God "The Lord is His Name"  Who comes to destroy them because of their unrighteousness and injustice.  "For I know your transgressions are many and your sins are great, you who distress the righteous and accept bribes, and turn aside the poor in the gate." v12
Seek good!  Amos calls out, "Hate evil, love good, and establish justice in the gate!  Perhaps The Lord God of hosts may be gracious.." But they will not, so God will bring wailing and mourning - to the city, to the farmer, and to the vinedresser.  No matter what they do, they will be judged, no matter where they run, they will be judged.  There is no hiding from God.  O the sadness of His verdict!
I hate, I reject your festivals, nor do I delight in your solemn assemblies."  He won't accept their offerings or their songs. "Take away from Me the noise of your songs; I will not even listen to the sound of your harps".  Once again He calls for justice and righteousness.  Without that nothing will do.  Because they have rebelled and chosen idols over Him, they are going to lose the promised land. "Therefore, I will make you go into exile..." v27  Go into exile - Hebrew work "galah" - to denude in a disgraceful sense - to exile, stripped of everything and taken captive, carried away, removed.
  Oh Lord God of hosts, our nation has also turned from righteousness and justice.  We have also ignored You.  Please forgive us and turn our hearts back to the Truth.  Amen.

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