Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Psalm 140:6 David declares his faith in God even as he is in the midst of battle against the enemy.  "Thou art my God!"  Matthew Henry's Commentary says it is good to declare our relationship with God .  David seeks God's ear as he brings his supplications, his humble requests to the Only One Who can help.  "O God The Lord"  Jehovah Adonai - Jehovah, the self-existent, self-sufficient, infinite and perfect One;  Adonai - my Stay, my Support, my Ruler, my Governor, My Strong Saviour.  Indeed my Salvation!  It is He who covers our head in the day of battle.   His helmet of salvation - protection from the hidden traps and secret frauds,  protection from the open forces. In the day of battle refers to weapons.  Weapons of warfare can be hidden or out in the open.  Either way they are used to harm, hurt, and destroy.  This is the enemies desire. And just as David declared his faith in the armor of God, we too are called to "put on the armor of God" in Eph. 6.  For we are also in a battle.  The enemy continues to bring his war against us.  His weapons are "spiritual forces of wickedness". Some are hidden, snares and traps.  Some are out in the open, fiery darts, flaming missiles. Our duty, is "to take and put on the whole armour of God, and then to stand our ground, and withstand our enemies." ( Matt. Henry) I could copy here the whole commentary on Eph. 6:10-18, but it is quite lengthy. But well worth the reading!  Just let me say this, our God has given us weapon to not only stand against the foe, but to overcome.  It is in His Strength, in His Might that we can be and must be strong.  Jehovah Adonai is our God! He is our Salvation! In Him we stand and will still be standing when the battle days are over. Thank you and Bless You, my God, Oh King!

I Thess. 2-3  Paul reminds the readers of , and encourages them in , the gospel.   He came in boldness to speak to them the gospel of God. (v2).  He spoke the gospel to please God, not men. (v4).  He came with gentleness and tender care, with fond affection, and with his own life, to impart the gospel of God, (v7-8). In labor, hardship, and working day and night, he proclaimed the gospel. ( v9) He acted devoutly, blamelessly,  he exhorted and encouraged and implored them to "walk in a manner worthy of the God who calls you into His own kingdom and glory" ( v12)
And they received the Word of God, and the Word performed its work in them who believed.  They became imitators of the churches of God, they became Paul's joy and glory.  And when he became concerned and sent Timothy to find out how they were doing, they gave him comfort and joy, for they continued in faith and love.
Paul again mentions his Hope, that when they stand before God, in the Presence of The Lord Jesus, at His coming, they will all stand together, unblamable in holiness, complete, his glory and his crown.

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