Thursday, April 11, 2013

Psalm 139:17-24  The thoughts of God are precious as well as numerous.  That He thinks of us individually at all is amazing enough, but to realize that He is thinking of us constantly, planning good for us, preparing eternity for us, preparing us for eternity, is " too high, I cannot attain to it".
O Lord God may I begin to grasp this Truth fully in my heart.  Do search me and make known to me all that is in my own heart, those things that You desire to weed out and purify,  those things that You desire to grow and bear fruit.  Lead me in Your everlasting ways.  
And the wicked?  David prays that You would slay them.  That You would remove them from his path. That they would no longer be able to speak Your Name in vain or rise up against You.  Turn their hearts away from the wickedness of sin and rebellion, bring them to repentance in the Name of Jesus Who came to take away the sins of the world.   But those who refuse to bow, those who do hurt and lie and destroy, those who will not repent, Lord, they are headed towards destruction and eternal judgement.  You are righteous and just.  Your will be done and Your Name glorified. Amen.

Amos 3 The Word of The Lord is spoken.  It is addressed to sons and to families.  Chosen ones.  A trumpet has sounded and a lion has roared.  God has made known what He will do.  He has spoken.  Amos states that he has no choice but to prophesy.  To speak out the message of God to the people.
Israel has become a people who no longer even "know how to do what is right"  There is nothing but violence and devastation in their citadels ( palaces, castles).  So an enemy is coming who will tear them to pieces, like a lion tears apart a sheep.  Every home will be effected, even the ivory houses and their holy places.  v6 jumps out at me - " If a trumpet is blown in a city will not the people tremble? If a calamity occurs in a city has not The Lord done it?"  Calamity - distress, evil, mischief, sorrow, wretchedness.  God brings about judgement on individuals, families, cities, and nations.   His judgement is not pleasant and is not undeserved.  It is true that God is gracious and merciful, but it is also true that He will not let the wicked go unpunished.   Lord, You are God of this city and of this nation, and of this planet.  You are God alone.  You are righteous in all Your ways.  You are kind in all Your deeds. Thank You for Your great mercy and patience.  Bring our nation to repentance, bring our city, our family, and each of us individually to call upon You in Truth.  Amen.

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