Monday, April 22, 2013

Psalm 137 This is a song from those taken into captivity by Babylon.  Long after David's psalms were written and sung, generations have passed, new songs are written.  This psalm is sad, mournful, solemn. They have been taken to live by the rivers of Babylon, they have hung up their harps, they have sat down to cry.  Zion, Jerusalem is in ruin.  Their joy has been turned into mourning. They cannot sing the songs of The Lord in this foreign land filled with idols and wickedness.   The people of Israel had neglected God and His temple, they had ignored the prophets and the warnings, and they had been judged and sent away into exile.  Many had died from sword, famine, or disease.  And finally, they are realizing the immensity of their loss.  Rightfully, they are in mourning. There is " A time to weep, and a time to laugh; A time to mourn, and a time to dance" Eccl. 3:4.  This is  a work of God, in the lives of His people.  Jesus said, " Blessed are those who mourn for they shall be comforted."  As the people of Israel looked forward to a time when they will return to Jerusalem, we look forward to the time when we will be taken to the New Jerusalem.  Where all our tears will be wiped away!  Where joy will come again, a joy we can barely even imagine.  Greater than we can hope for!  Praise God who leaves us not in captivity and mourning, but frees us to laugh and dance, and sing the songs of The Lord!  The Day is coming! O Glorious day!

I Timothy 2   Paul's instructions to Timothy are to lead the church to the "goal" of "love from a pure heart and a good conscience and a sincere faith".   Now Paul gives some detailed instructions.
"First of all" - prayer!   Entreaties, petitions, and thanksgivings - on behalf of all men.  Entreaties - requests, petitions, supplications; begging and beseeching, making requests;  Petitions - an interview, intercession, to confer with, to entreat in favor or against; deal with.   Prayer is "for kings and all who are in authority"  for the purpose of a culture that allows a "tranquil and quiet life in all godliness and dignity"  - a good life, being able to make a living; godliness-piety, holiness, worship; dignity - honorable, venerable ( commanding respect ) , honest, grave( serious,solemn, weighty, momentous, important), probity ( integrity and uprightness).  Why do we pray like this?  Because "This is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Savior who desires all men to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth."   And in case we don't know here is the truth - " For there is one God, and one mediator also between God and men, the man Christ Jesus, who gave Himself as a ransom for all, the testimony borne at the proper time."   Paul says that this is why he preaches, this is why he lives, and this is why he wants every one to "pray, lifting up holy hands, without wrath and dissension."
The work of prayer is so important!  If we waste our time and energy bickering in the church, about things that don't matter - things that don't lead to the goal of love, pure hearts, good consciences and sincere faiths - we fail to impact the lives of those for whom Christ Jesus came into the world to save!
Lord Jesus, once again I call to You; Teach me to pray!  Amen.

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