Wednesday, November 1, 2023

 I Corinthians 1:1-17  Paul introduces himself in this letter as one "called".  He was called to be an apostle of Jesus "by the will of God".  He is writing to the troubled church of Corinth, but reminds them immediately that they are "sanctified in Christ Jesus, saints by calling.."  All who "call upon the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.."  Paul writes.. are "called"- invited to be His.. saints, sanctified, made holy.. set apart.  He writes to all who "call" upon Jesus.. all who invoke His Name.. appeal to Him.. worship Him... all who have received "the grace of God which was given [us[ in Christ Jesus." That includes me.. and you!

It is in Christ that we are "enriched".. in"all speech and all knowledge".  The Living Word (Logos) gives us speech (logos).. as we come to know Him.  That is an amazing thought!  Paul goes on to remind his readers.. that we do not lack in "any gift" as we wait for Christ to come again.  Christ, Himself "shall confirm you to the end, blameless in the day of our Lord Jesus Christ."  For.. "God is faithful, through whom you were called into fellowship with His Son, Jesus Christ our Lord."

Paul confirmed this important truth to the church.. and we need to receive it too.. to remember and rejoice and be thankful for that grace that has called us.. invited us.. to belong to Him!  We, who call upon the Lord Jesus Christ.. our Lord.. are saints.. sanctified, set apart,  "by the will of God".  We have received everything that we need, in Jesus, as we await His coming.  

The divisions in the Corinthian church.. the quarrels.. the disagreements.. were keeping them from the one thing that should have united them.. they were called to  "be made complete in the same mind and in the same judgment"  in Christ Jesus.   They were not called to belong to Paul, or Apollo, or Peter.. they were not baptized into any of these other men.. they were called to belong to Christ alone. 

Father, we live in a day when we see more divisions among those who claim Your Name.. how we need to turn back to the message of the gospel.. to Christ crucified.. the power and the wisdom of God made known in the Son, who came to make us complete and who is coming again one day soon!  Renew our understanding of who we are.. the called ones, who call upon the Name of our Lord Jesus Christ. In His name we pray. Amen. 

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