Friday, November 17, 2023

 I Corinthians 10:14-33  Paul again turns to the problem of idolatry in Corinth.  He is teaching in a pagan city that was filled with idols.. where meat markets were filled with pagan sacrifices.. where the streets were filled with idol worshipers.  It was common.  It was their "culture".  The new Christians had much to learn... 

"Therefore my beloved, flee from idolatry.."  It would be a temptation to fall back into the false religious practices that they had known.. but they had God's promise that He would give them a way of escape if they would trust in Him.  

Paul explains that Christians share in a greater sacrifice.. "the blood of Christ".  and in "the body of Christ".  We are all partakers of the One sacrifice that matters.  To then share in a sacrifice to an idol is to want something more than Christ alone.. and that is of the devil.  It is the same temptation that Adam and Eve failed to resist in the garden. 

"You cannot drink the cup of the Lord and the cup of demons; you cannot partake of the table of the Lord and the table of demons."   This was the sin of Israel that resulted in so many dying in the wilderness.. and later being exiled from their homeland. 

Yes, Paul says.. the law has been fulfilled.and "all things are lawful.." Yes, you can be thankful for whatever God provides.. but there is a time for restraint.. especially when it harms the conscience of your friend or neighbor.  He sums it up this way.. "Whether, then, you eat or drink or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God." 

Father, help us to humbly and patiently consider our actions.. even what we eat or drink. Help us to be fully surrendered to You and listen for the voice of Your Spirit as we walk among our fellow countrymen.. knowing that we don't need to put ourselves and our rights first.. but to share the love of Jesus in ways that will build others up and not tear them down.  Take all my actions, Lord... and lead me in Your ways I pray. Amen. 

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