Monday, November 6, 2023

 I Corinthians 3   Paul explained in chapter 2 that true faith does not come from.. or rest on.. human wisdom.. it can only rest on "the power of God".  It is a spiritual.. a supernatural..  revelation.. a spiritual wisdom.. that produces spiritual thinking and spiritual words.  In this chapter he looks at the church in Corinth and sees that they are not thinking and acting like "spiritual men".. but as "men of flesh". 

They have been given the "mind of Christ".. but are living in "fleshly" thinking.. which showed up as "jealousy and strife" among them.  Their arguments over whether it was Paul or Apollos or Peter that taught them the truth, were foolish, because it is God alone who "causes the growth".   It was the Lord who "gave opportunity" for them to believe.. It is God's work that produces God's "building."

Paul says that he was able to lay a firm foundation... "according to the grace of God."  The only firm foundation is Jesus Christ. This was Paul's only message! Now, it is up to each individual to build on that foundation.. " with gold, silver, precious stones, wood, hay, straw.."  Whatever work we do "will become evident".  One day, Paul tells us, we each will stand before the Lord and everything will be revealed.. and only that which is not worthless, burned by the fire of judgement, will remain.  Whatever is of worth in the Lord's eyes.. that will remain.. and that will be rewarded. 

Paul goes on.. . "Do you not know that you are a temple of God, and that the Spirit of God dwells in you?" (v16)  As God's temple.. we are holy.  We belong to Christ.. and in Him.. "all things belong to you."  It is not worldly wisdom, worldly wealth, or worldly thinking that will keep us holy and set apart to Him.  He has done it!  We are His.. we just have to believe it and live accordingly. We build on the foundation by the power of God.. not by our own efforts.. WE Belong to HIM!

Father in heaven, Holy and Almighty God,  You are gracious and merciful to us.. granting us this great salvation through Jesus Christ our Lord.  He is our firm foundation. You have given us spiritual life.. the  "mind of Christ".. so that we can live according to Your Spirit and not according to the flesh.  You have given us "all thing".. every good and precious gift.. every precious promise.. so that we can build on the foundation..with holiness, in a manner worthy of our calling.  Let the work of my hands and the words of my mouth be fully established by You.. fully surrendered to You.. and always glorifying to Your Name. I ask this in the name of Jesus, my Lord, my firm foundation...  Amen.

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