Tuesday, November 14, 2023

 I Corinthians 8 This chapter deals with "liberty"... focusing on the issue of eating meat that had been sacrificed to idols.  What stands out to me today is Paul's use of the word "knowledge".. 

The first thing Paul teaches us is that "we know that we all have knowledge".   We are all aware, able to look at and consider that everyone has some knowledge.. even a child will know its name, know its parents, or know that the sky is blue.. This is just a factual statement.  But, Paul goes on.. "Knowledge makes arrogant.. ."  This is also a factual statement.. we see it in our every day life.. those who think they know better.. think that they are better.. whether it is because of their education, their experience, or their success.. knowledge can indeed make one "puffed up"!

"But.."   Paul says.. "love edifies." -  Love builds up.. confirms.. emboldens.. The Greek word is "oikodomeo".. and really refers to building a house.. the root word, "oikos" means a dwelling or a family; a home or household. 

This brings a whole new perspective on this passage for me.. 

Verses 2-3 "If anyone supposes that he knows anything, he has not yet known as he ought to know; but if anyone loves God, he is known by Him."  There are several Greek words used for "know/knowledge/ known"..   Two different ones are used in these verses.. employing those definitions helps clarify Paul's point..  If we think we know (see, are aware of, consider, or perceive)  anything.. we have not begun to "know" ( know absolutely with surety and understanding, feeling, and resolve) as we should.  For what is really the thing that we need to KNOW is loving God.. which is what makes us KNOWN (perceived, absolutely known.. with surety and understanding) by Him

Yes, Paul says, you know that idols are not real. Yes, you know there is only One God. ".. there is but one God, the Father, from whom are all things, and we exist for Him; and one Lord, Jesus Christ, by whom are all things, and we exist through Him." ( v6) But, some of them were using this" knowledge" in a way that was not loving.. not edifying .. not building up their brothers and sisters in Christ.  This "liberty" was causing some to stumble.. to sin against their own conscience.  This was not loving and so was a "sin against Christ". 

So, what "knowledge" do we have and use.. what "liberty" do we take.. that "puffs up".. makes us arrogant.. instead of building up our fellow Christians?  Paul said he would rather give up meat if it was going to cause his brother to stumble.. what is it that we want to hold on to that is a stumbling block to another believer? What things do we need to do and say that will edify?  

A favorite passage from Proverbs helps us in this.. "Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding..." ( don't try to support yourself and your arguments based on your own knowledge.. or what you think you know) "In all your ways acknowledge Him and He will make your paths straight." ( See Him in everything you do, every path you take, observe, recognize, sense, known be aware, discern, discover.. that He is there!)  We lean on our Almighty God and not on what we think we know... 

Father in heaven, how blessed and holy is Your Name.. Lord, God Almighty.. the Lord of hosts.. our Maker.. our Redeemer, we honor You. We desire to live in ways that please You.. ways that build up and encourage our brothers and sisters in Christ. Fill us with Your great love.  We look to You, recognizing our own lack of understanding. We are leaning on You. Trusting You in all our ways.. acknowledging Your Presence in us, through the wonderful grace of Jesus.  Open our eyes that we might "know" as we should know.. as we gaze at the only One who sees us clearly and truly.  It is in the name of Jesus that we come before You, fully known..  amen. 

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