Tuesday, October 31, 2023

 Jeremiah 51-52  These final two chapters of Jeremiah once again remind us that God judges sin, yet, He is  faithful to keep His promises to Israel.  Babylon was used by God.. because of Israel's sinfulness.. to remove them from their land.   Jerusalem was destroyed.. the temple and the palace burned down.. the wall torn down.. and the people led away or killed.  But, Babylon would be judged because of this destruction. 

What God purposed, He performed.  What He spoke was accomplished.  We would do well to remember this!  "It is He who made the earth by His power, Who established the world by His wisdom, and by His understanding he stretched out the heavens."(51:15) Our God is a God who reigns! Everything is in His Hands. He has not changed. He still is at work in this world!

".. the Lord is a God of recompense, He will fully repay.."  All that was done to Israel back then.. all that is being done now.. will not escape the Lord's notice and will not go unpunished. 

Judah was taken away in exile.. but also returned according to God's word.  We remember these events and gain understanding.. that God is involved with everything that is happening in this world.. He sees.. He has a purpose.. and He will bring about His plans according to His promises. 

Father in heaven, You are our Maker and our King.. the Lord of hosts is Your Name. We worship You alone and turn to You, waiting on You to accomplish Your purposes in us, Your people, the sheep of Your pasture.  Lead us in the path of righteousness, deliver us from evil.. fill us with Your Spirit.. may our cup runneth over! May the Name of Jesus Christ be made known, exalted, and lifted up.. drawing people to the True God of heaven and earth. Amen. 

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