Thursday, November 23, 2023

 I Corinthians 13 Paul is still addressing the church in Corinth.. filled with factions.. divisions.. the same ones that were dragging each other to court; judging each other for their opinions; thinking of themselves as better than their brothers or sisters in Christ.  He is still addressing the truth about spiritual gifts.. God given grace-gifts that are supernaturally provided for the edification of the church.  He wants them.. and us.. to remember that these gifts are from the Holy Spirit. They are not earned.. they are not bought.. they are given as He chooses.  He wants us to remember that the purpose of every spiritual gift is all for Jesus! He wants us to know that only as God works through the gifts that He has given.. are they effective at all. 

So, when Paul begins to teach this next section.. what we call the Love Chapter.. it is in this context.. everything that he has talked about.. divisions.. sacrifices...self-centeredness.. spiritual gifts.. knowledge and liberty... everything dims in light of the fact that LOVE is what matters the most.  

Without love.. every gift is worthless.  I can hardly think of anything else to say... this is a striking thought. 

This love.. agape love.. is the "self-giving divine love which emanates from God and is to be seen reflected in believers. It is the love which is concerned for others rather than self and which should govern the practice of spiritual gifts." ( Key Word Study Bible)

Without this love.. we cannot serve.. we cannot be used by God.. we cannot be patient or kind.  We will act arrogantly and jealous.. unbecomingly.. seeking our own way; easily provoked.. holding grudges.  

This kind of love will be seen in us as we rejoice in the truth; as we bear all things.. believe all things.. hope all things.. and endure all things..

This kind of love does not fail. This kind of love will never pass away.. for all of eternity.  It is the greatest gift of all!

Father in heaven, one day we will see You face to face.. and we will know fully.. just as You know us now. We need Your love to fill us, Father. Direct our hearts in pursuit of this gift of love. Fill us Spirit of God with the divine love that will not fail... may we love as Jesus loves us.. may we love so that You can work through us to bring others into the blessed Kingdom of Your love. We ask this in the name of our gracious and loving Savior, Jesus Christ the Lord. Amen. 

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