Wednesday, November 8, 2023

 I Corinthians 5  The problem of arrogance had led the church in Corinth to acceptance of "immorality" within the church family.  Paul is very specific of the reported problem.. "that someone has his father's wife".   Paul says that "not.. even among the Gentiles"  would such a relationship be condoned.  This man should have been disciplined, and if not repentant, removed from the fellowship of the church.  Paul went as far as to "deliver such a one to Satan for the destruction of his flesh, that his spirit may be saved in the day of the Lord Jesus."  Does that not show us the depth.. the intensity.. the vitalness of dealing with this sinfulness?

The sinfulness of this one man.. had revealed an even bigger sinfulness.. the arrogance and boastfulness of the whole church.  This was like "leaven".. affecting the whole "lump of dough".   Sin of one "so called brother" would spread its evil leaven through the whole body of believers. 

The only solution was to "Clean out the old leaven, that you may be a new lump, just as you are in fact unleavened. For Christ our Passover also has been sacrificed." 

There is a place for judgement, Paul tells the church.. it is not to judge those "outside" the church.. but they have a responsibility for those "inside" the church.  Remember the condemnation that came upon Israel's shepherds?  They were saying "Peace, peace, but there is no peace".  They were superficial, unrepentant, and disobedient to the Word and Law of God.  By not addressing a blatant sin in the church, the leaders of the Corinthian church were doing the same thing. Paul steps in and tells them to "Remove the wicked man from among yourselves." 

This is a very sensitive issue.. there have been many people hurt because of "judgement" within the church. I have seen in personally. We must have godly, wise, Spirit-filled leadership that will prayerfully and carefully deal with such issues within the church. But, they cannot ignore or avoid blatant sin and allow it to permeate the fellowship of believers in the church. We need to pray for them!

That is the problem in many American churches today, isn't it?  We have become so "politically correct" that we are afraid to call sin "sin".  So, immorality has spread its way through the "church"... more and more and more.. 

O Lord God.. come with power and cleanse us from all that "old leaven".. and make us a "new lump"!

Father in heaven, You see our hearts.. You see our motives and our thoughts.. You know our needs.. especially our need to be fully surrendered to You... and to be willing to take responsibility for our own sins.. and perhaps, if we are in the position of authority.. to take responsibility to deal with those living in sin among us.  It is a hard thing, Lord.  You know how uncomfortable that might be.. but I pray for Your Spirit to lead our pastors, elders, and other leaders to do Your will in all such things.  You have given them a Spirit.. not of timidity, but of power and love and discipline. Thank You!  Move in us, through us, and among us today, Spirit of God, that the power and love and truth of Christ will fill our churches once again.  In the name of Jesus Christ the Lord we pray, Amen.

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