Wednesday, November 15, 2023

 I Corinthians 9  Paul's message in chapter 8 leads into this next teaching.  Knowledge that is arrogant does not edify.. it tears others down instead of building them up.. therefore using your knowledge to take liberties with things such as food offered to idols.. is not good if it causes another to stumble.  Paul gives himself as an example..  "Am I not free?"

As an apostle, one who had seen Jesus, one that brought the gospel to Galatia in the first place..  he had the right to "eat and drink.. take along a believing wife.. refrain from working" ( outside of the evangelism he was doing).  He had every right to financial support from those he served.  "If others share the right over you, do we not more? Nevertheless, we did not use this right, but we endure all things, that we may cause no hindrance to the gospel of Christ." (v12)

He had every right to that support, but he did not want to depend on it.  Instead, he says, "I am under compulsion; for woe is me if I do not preach the gospel."  He was free.. but he chose to be a "slave".  He chose to do whatever it took to win others to Christ.  He did not stand on his liberty.. his freedom.. but gave it all up so that others might come to Jesus. ".. to the Jews I became as a Jew, that I might win Jews.. to the weak, I became weak; I have become all things to all men, that I may by all means save some."

He compares his dedication to preaching the gospel to a runner who's aim it is to win the race, or to a boxer who trains hard in order to win the match.. He was willing to do whatever it took so that God's purposes would be done in and through him. " And I do all things for the sake of the gospel that  I may become a fellow partaker of it." 

Likewise, Paul exhorts us, "Run in such a way that you may win."  Be willing to give up liberties and rights.. to give your whole self.. "for the sake of the gospel".  

Father in heaven, You have called us to lay down our lives, take up our crosses, and follow Jesus.. It is a call to complete surrender and devotion to the One who has made us, saved us, and lives in us by Your Spirit.  We are set apart for You.. holy and acceptable.. because of the gospel of Jesus Christ who gave Himself for us.. we have been bought with a price and are no longer our own.. we are Yours forever.  Help us then, Lord, to run the race in such a way that we will win the heavenly prize.. Your words, "Well done, good and faithful servant".  We realize that we cannot do this on our own power.. but we rest our faith on the power of God.. for You work in us.. sanctifying us entirely. spirit, soul, and body..that we might stand before You complete at the coming of Jesus Christ.  You are faithful and You will bring it to pass. Hallelujah! Thank You. amen. 

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