Wednesday, November 29, 2023

 I Corinthians 16 Paul closes his first letter to the church in Corinth with some personal thoughts.. his desire to come to them... Timothy and Apollos perhaps coming to them also. Encouragement  is found in others and greetings are given.  Then.. right in the middle of all this is this gem.. "Be on the alert, stand firm in the faith, act like men, be strong. Let all that you do be done in love." 

What a great verse to pray.. Lord let me be on guard.. stand firm, act courageously and be strong.. in love; in the Word; in the church; in my family.   Lord, may my family, my church, my friends.. also be on guard... to not allow false ideas, disagreements, or anything else keep us all from the most important things..  And, Lord,  especially give us the gift of  love that edifies.. builds up faith that will stand firm in this age and forever! Father, may we have courage to speak up.. boldly and patiently.. declaring the truth of the gospel of Jesus Christ.  Thank You for this Word today. Amen. 

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