Monday, November 20, 2023

 I Corinthians 11  Paul writes to the church to "Be imitators of me, just as I also am of Christ." Just as Paul made an effort to not offend others for the sake of the Gospel.. the church needed to imitate him.  

Paul had addressed several issues that were causing divisions among them.. this chapter addresses another issue.  The Greek custom was for men to uncover their heads when praying or prophesying.. but the Jewish tradition was to cover their heads.  The Greek tradition for women was to cover their heads whereas the Jewish tradition was to uncover her head.. having long hair. 

Customs and traditions differ according to where we live.. Paul is helping the church to see that the problem is not which tradition they hold on to.. (as long as it was not contrary to Scripture.)... but the real problem was that they were being divided and contrary to each other... judging one another. 

When they come together as the church, brothers and sisters brought together in Christ, there should be a unity of the Spirit.. not judging one another, but respecting and honoring and caring for one another.. in spite of differences of opinion. 

Paul uses the "Lord's Supper" as another illustration.  Some people would come with much and others with little... some would overdo it by getting drunk or overeating.. leaving others without anything. This led to "factions".. who judged each other negatively... destroying any spirit of love and unity among them...the exact opposite of what the Lord's table was meant to do!

Paul teaches them the true meaning of the Lord's Supper.. to remember the suffering and death of Jesus Christ.. His body broken.. His blood shed.. for our sins.  Examine yourself, he says, judge yourself and not your brother or sister.. "But if we judged ourselves rightly, we should not be judged."  If we don't look at our own attitudes and acknowledge our own failures, flaws, and sins.. then we should expect to be "disciplined by the Lord". If each person would do this.. they would not worry about what the other person was doing.. they would be able to bear with one another and love one another instead. 

Father in heaven, teach us to love as Christ loves.. with patience and compassion.. with selflessness and kindness.  May we yield all to You.. for our own lives.. and for the things that others are dealing with.. especially those things that might divide us and not unite us in Christ.  We are His.. saved by His blood and made new in Him. Open our eyes Lord, that we might see clearly the path that You have for us, that brings us together..  to edify one another and not judge and tear down one another.  Help us to lay down our rights and opinions and listen to Your voice.. to trust and obey.  We look to You.. call to You and know that You are faithful and You will answer.  Hallelujah and Amen!

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