Monday, November 27, 2023

 I Corinthians 14  "Pursue love, yet desire earnestly spiritual gifts, but especially that you may prophesy.. "  

The message.. of inspiration, exhortation, and revelation.. is meant for the "edification.. exhortation .. and consolation"  of the church. This is the purpose of all spiritual gifts.The Corinthians seemed overly zealous to speak in tongues.. Paul wanted them to rethink their desire for that particular spiritual gift..  The confusion and competition among brothers and sisters in Christ does not edify the believers  nor does not make clear the Gospel for any unbelievers that come in to the church.  Prophesy does.. the speaking forth the Word of God.. is the greater gift, if love accompanies it. 

The Key Word Study Bible commentary gives some interesting background information about Corinth.  Nearby, in Delphi, there was an oracle.. a pagan temple.  The people would come with their sacrifices to receive an oracle which was delivered by a priestess.. a woman, usually over the age of 50.  This woman would prepare herself by purifying herself at a certain fountain, drinking a certain drink, and eating a laurel leaf. She would then be seated on a tripod which was placed over a chasm.  There were fumes that came up from the chasm and she would become intoxicated and "utter incoherent sounds" which would be interpreted in an obscure and general way.  The fact that newly Christian women wanted to speak in tongues was concerning.. for the danger was that they were imitating this Delphic priestess.  So, this commentary says, perhaps this is where Paul's command to not allow the women to speak in the church, originates.  The problem that Paul is addressing is the confusion caused by the disorderly conduct of those who did not have true spiritual.. Spirit given.. gifts. 

Again, he repeats his main point, " Therefore, my brethren, desire earnestly to prophesy and do not forbid to speak in tongues, but let all things be done properly and in an orderly manner." ( v40) 

Father in heaven, may we walk in the Spirit, serve the Son, and bring You glory.  May we pursue Your love.. deeper and deeper into the sea of Your unfailing love and grace.  May we walk in Your Light and live by Your Truth. May Jesus be revealed to us, in us, and through us.  May our lives be continually transformed so that You may be glorified because of us. We ask this in Christ's name. Amen. 

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