Thursday, February 23, 2023

 Mark 9 

Verses 1-13  Peter, James, and John were invited to a special meeting.. on the top of a mountain.  They experienced a glimpse of glory that they never could have imagined.  Jesus was "transfigured" before their eyes.. His "garments.. exceedingly white, as no launderer on earth could whiten them.."  Elijah and Moses appeared and stood talking with Jesus. A cloud came over them and God spoke to them.. "This is My beloved Son, listen to Him!" 

This glimpse of the Kingdom led to another opportunity for Jesus to prepare them for His death and resurrection. They still did not understand... but they had learned something more about the Christ that they served. 

Verses 14-29 Coming down from the mountain Jesus saw a "large crowd" around His disciples. The center of attention was a man and his spirit-oppressed son... who was mute and who was thrown into fire and water with seizures.  The man "told" the disciples to cast out the demon but they could not do it.  Jesus gets to the heart of the problem.. "O unbelieving generation, how long shall I be with you? How long shall I put up with you?" 

But, Jesus does not immediately deliver the boy.. He had a question for the father.." How long has this been happening to him?"  Why would Jesus ask this?  He knew that already.. for He knows all things. It leads the father to ask for help.. "But if You can do anything, take pity on us and help us!"  His attitude changed in this conversation.. from demanding help from the disciples.. to complaining about their lack of help.. to a humble plea for pity...  Yet, Jesus was still not done with him... "If You can! All things are possible to him who believes."   This... brings the father to the right attitude... "Immediately the boy's father cried out and began saying, 'I do believe; help my unbelief.'"  Finally, an inkling... a mustard seed  of faith.. an honest plea from the heart.. and Jesus cast the spirit out and healed the boy. 

Jesus.. the Beloved Son of God.. clothed in glory.. stood on the mountaintop with Moses and Elijah.. then came down to an "unbelieving generation" that needed help even to believe in Him.  This is the good news of the Kingdom.. all portrayed in 29 verses.  He came.. stepped down from glory... humbled Himself.. to suffer and die.. and to rise again.. all for us..  We cry out with the father in this story.. "Help our unbelief"!  O that we might see the glory of the Son!  O that we might have greater faith!

Father in heaven, how great is our God, the ruler of heaven and earth.. for there is no other. How wonderful is Jesus Christ the Lord.. the Beloved Son.. the King of glory.  Open our eyes.. fill our hearts.. heal us..cleanse us, help us to truly believe.. and make us wholly Yours. May Christ be exalted!  Your will be done in us today we pray... in Jesus' name. Amen. 

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