Tuesday, February 7, 2023

 Psalm 145   I love this psalm. It is a song of praise.. filled with great truths about the God we serve. It is a good psalm to memorize and meditate on.. for it brings praise to our lips as we think of the greatness of the Lord. 

We exalt our God, who is our King.  Every day.. we praise Him and lift up His name.  This is right! We cannot wait for Sunday to come before we think about our God.  If we enter His gates with thanksgiving and His courts with praise.. then how else will we come into His manifest Presence? Praise Him! Every day!

We praise the Lord for He is great.. He is "worthy of praise; his greatness no one can fathom." (v3)  Tozer wrote about the "Incomprehensible God"..  He quoted Richard Rolle, who said this, "Verily God is of infinite greatness.. more than we can think; ... unknowable by created things; and can never be comprehended by us as He is Himself. But even here and now, whenever the heart begins to burn with a desire for God, she is made able to receive the uncreated light and, inspired and fulfilled by the gifts of the Holy Ghost, she tastes the joys of heaven."  

This is what David is writing about! God is so great that we must praise Him.. "one generation.. to another";  speaking of His "glorious splendor".. of His "majesty".. of His "wonderful works".. of His "great power".. of His "abundant goodness" and His " righteousness. "

"The Lord is gracious and compassionate, slow to anger and rich in love. The Lord is good to all; he has compassion on all he has made." ( v8-9) This is God's definition of Himself.. ( see Ex. 34:6) It is His revelation to His people.. that we might know something of the unknowable greatness of God. 

David proclaims that "all You have made will praise You, O Lord."  The saints will tell of the "glory of Your kingdom."  This is what we need to do.. tell of the glorious Kingdom:
That it is everlasting.. 
That His dominion will endure through every generation. 
That He is faithful to keep every promise. 
That He is loving to all that He has made. 
That He will help those who fall. 
That He will provide for all of His creations...
 that He opens His hands to "satisfy the desires of every living thing." 

The Lord is righteous.. He is near.. He hears our cries.  He watches over us with love.  He judges the wicked and saves those who call upon His name. 

Let us join with David  saying, "My mouth will speak in praise of the Lord. Let every creature praise his holy name for ever and ever. " 


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