Monday, February 13, 2023

 Mark 1  "The beginning of the gospel of Jesus Christ, the Son of God."   Mark hurries through this "beginning" ... through John the baptist preaching repentance to prepare the way... through the baptism and temptation experiences of Jesus in the wilderness.. through the calling of the disciples .. the teaching in the synagogue and the healing of Peter's mother-in-law... 

Jesus cast out demons and healed broken bodies... but what He most wanted to do was to preach the good news.. " for that is what I came for... "  The Kingdom "is at hand".. the time had come, Jesus preached; so "repent and believe."   The Kingdom of God came to earth when the King overcame darkness, demons, and death.  Hallelujah!

The King of Heaven came to make a way for us to enter His kingdom.. through Himself.  Mark's account here highlights the actions of Jesus... that we might also "repent and believe".  

All Jesus did pleased the Father. (v11)

Jesus saw and called individual people to follow Him.. (v16-20)

Jesus taught with authority. (v22, 27)

Jesus rebuked demons and ordered them to be quiet. (v25, 34)

Jesus healed the sick. (v31, 34) 

Jesus went to be alone to pray. (v35) 

Jesus had compassion for the leper.. the despised and desperate one..

This is the Jesus who is King. Mark is declaring this Truth with every word that he writes.  His joy and excitement comes through these verses.  May we take them into our own hearts and minds and be filled with this kind of joy!

Father in heaven, thank You for giving us Your Word that we might come to know Jesus, as our  King and our Savior. Thank You for the gospel.. the Word that brings light that we might have Life.  Teach us Your ways, Your Truth.. that we might live to please You in all we do.  We rejoice that You have called us.. each by name. We rejoice that Jesus is Lord over darkness, death, and disease!  We rejoice that the Kingdom of God has come and is in us when we trust in Jesus Christ the King.  We pray for the fullness of Your Kingdom to come with the return of Christ.. soon...  We pray that, as we wait, we will bear much Kingdom fruit to the honor and glory of our King.  We pray this in His Name, according to Your will. Amen. 

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