Monday, February 20, 2023

 Mark 6 Jesus went back to Nazareth.. home.. where His mother lived, where His brothers and sisters still resided.. where He was known as a carpenter.. where He was doubted.. where the people were offended at Him.. where unbelief filled and hardened there hearts.  It is sad that often it is those who think they know us best... are the ones who doubt us most.. it was true of Jesus and it is often true of new believers.  We kind of watch them closely to see if the changes are real.. if their faith is going to "stick".. or perhaps be choked out, like the seeds planted in the thorny soil.  Maybe Jesus wonders at our "unbelief" too... 

Jesus sent out His 12 disciples to preach and He gave "them authority over unclean spirits.."  What an experience they had! But, there was so much more to come. Going to a "lonely place" to rest.. didn't turn out the way they expected, for a great crowd followed by land and "got there ahead of them".  The disciples just wanted to send the people away to get their own food, but Jesus had a different plan. With 5 loaves and 2 fish.. 5000 men were fed.  It had to be such an extraordinary event.. we can't even fathom it.  But, again, Jesus had more to show them.  Sending the disciples away in their boat, He dismissed the crowd and spent time on the mountain to pray.  Then, seeing the disciples struggling in the windy sea.. He came to them.. walking on the water. 

Mark tells us that the disciples did not even know how to handle all of this.. "for they had not gained any insight from the incident of the loaves, but their heart was hardened." 

Are our hearts hardened too? Have we gained any insight into the person of Jesus Christ through these miraculous events? 

Jesus gave them authority over disease.. over demons.. Who else could make that possible?

Jesus took their meager portions and provided for thousands.. Who else could multiply resources?

Jesus crossed the waters.. made a way to them through the storms.. Who else could come to them in their times of need?

And He does the same for us.. He comes to us when we are stuck and unable to move.  He provides for us when we have so little to give.  He has given us His Spirit that we might minister to those who are sick and suffering.  We are called to pray in His Name.. go in His power.. give.. to His honor and glory.  

My Father.. hallowed be Your Name in all the earth. Soften my heart and rid me of all unbelief! Fill me with Your Spirit and lead me in Your paths so that I might do Your will.. always.. whatever that might be. Open our eyes, Lord, that we might see Jesus more clearly.. may we gain insight.. may we walk in faith and not be afraid in times of trouble...For we ask this in Jesus' name. Amen. 

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