Wednesday, February 15, 2023

 Mark 3  Jesus healed the man with the withered hand.. on the the synagogue.. and taught that doing good.. and saving lives is right... even if the religious leaders don't  agree.  This event set off the Pharisees.. again.. ready to destroy Him.  Meanwhile, Mark recorded, multitudes came.. from far and near.. pressing in on Him.. to just touch Him. 

Jesus chose the twelve to be His apostles.. knowing full well that Judas would betray Him.  (v13-19)

The demons.. fell down before Jesus.. but the scribes called Him a devil.. His family called Him crazy.. but He called those who followed Him.. those who did the Father's will.. His mother and brothers and sisters. 

If we read Mark's gospel with the intention of seeking to know Jesus more.. then we learn from this chapter that He was totally  different... we might even say that He was "other".. as He was and is God.  He did not follow the " religious" rules.. He did not follow His own family's misguided feelings.. He did not choose the most qualified ( in the worlds' estimations) to be His disciples and apostles.  

We learn that Jesus valued people over rules.  He chose to love and heal and speak Truth.   His priority is always the Father's will and the Father's glory.  He showed kindness to those in need.. taught truth to those mislead.. and gave hope to those who had none. 

Let us draw near.. near to His heart.. to be filled with His love, His kindness, and His grace. 

Father in heaven, how we thank You for the gift of salvation through Jesus Christ the Son.  You are holy, holy, holy! We praise the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit! Open our eyes to see You more clearly and to love You more and more and more each day. We love Your Word that leads us into fellowship with You.  Fill us again with Your Spirit that we might do Your will and  be the "brother and sister and mother.." of Jesus. Amen. 

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