Tuesday, February 14, 2023

 Mark 2  Mark takes us quickly through another series of events as Jesus came home to Capernaum:

He taught and so many came to hear that the house was filled. (v2)

He healed.. the paralytic who was let down through the roof.. He forgave his sins and caused the scribes to question Him. (v3-13)

He called Matthew and ate with the tax-gatherers and sinners. (v14-17)

And through these events we learn more about Jesus.  

We learn that He has the authority to forgive sins on earth. (v10)

We learn that He came to save the sinners.. regardless of their status.. (v17)

We learn that He is Lord of the Sabbath.. which was made for man. (v28)

We learn that He came.. not to patch up the old garment of religion.. but to bring a New Covenant... a new teaching.. to the glory of God. (v21-22)

Oh the riches.. the unfathomable riches of Christ.. "in whom are hidden all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge." ( Col. 2:3)  He is rich in kindness.. in forebearance.. in patience.. in grace.. in glory.. in love! Praise the Name of Jesus!

Father, we praise and exalt Your Holy Name, giving thanks for the abundant life that You have poured out on us through Jesus Christ our Lord.  We are encouraged in Him. We are knit together in Him. We are built up in Him.. established in Him.. and made complete in Him. Hallelujah! What a Savior.  We are seeking the things above, Lord.. setting our minds on that which is above.  May we be "as those chosen of God, holy and beloved" should be.. with hearts of "compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience; bearing with one another, and forgiving each other.. "( Col. 3)  We are Your servants.. Your children.. and we yield to Your Spirit that we might do all that You desire this day.. in Jesus' name. Amen. 

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