Thursday, February 16, 2023

 Mark 4  Jesus quoted Isaiah 6, ".. while seeing, they may see and not perceive; and while hearing, they may hear and not understand lest they return and be forgiven..."; explaining to His disciples why He was speaking in parables.  To His disciples,  He said, "To you has been given the mystery of the kingdom of God.. ".  This is a great mystery.. why God would not want to have all people see and perceive.. hear and understand so that they can repent and be forgiven? Why does some of the "seed" get snatched away.. choked out.. or burned up?  Why do some have "ears to hear" and others do not?

We cannot know the thoughts of God that are higher than our thoughts.. but we can know that Jesus came to preach the gospel.. the Good news.. that the Kingdom of God was near.. that He would make it attainable.  The central Truth in Jesus' parable about the seed is that the Word is sown.  Isaiah was sent to preach the Word of God.. knowing the people would not receive it.. but he went anyway.   Jesus came to preach the Word.. knowing that He would be rejected.. but He came anyway. The SEED would be sown...

Jesus talked about a light that should not be hidden.. and we see that He is that Light. 

Jesus talked about the Kingdom that starts out like a seed.. but grows into a plant to be harvested.. and a mustard seed that is so very small, but grows into a tree large enough to become a haven for the birds of the air.  And we know that is how it began.. this small group of disciples would grow.. and the Kingdom is still growing with every new believer who hears the Word and turns and finds forgiveness. 

Jesus entreats us to have "ears to hear".. so we listen and pray for understanding.. seeking the Kingdom truths that He alone makes us able to perceive.  We pray for others to have their blind eyes opened and their deaf ears made ready to hear!

Mark finishes this chapter with an extraordinary event.  Out on the stormy waters, Jesus is asleep.. until the frantic disciples wake Him crying, "Teacher, do You not care that we are perishing?"  But, He does care.. and He orders the wind and waves to "Hush, be still."  

Here is the greater mystery to the disciples.. "Who then is this, that even the wind and the sea obey Him?"  

Father in heaven, we long to know the mysteries of the Kingdom that are still ahead of us.. to be able to comprehend the truths that we cannot yet attain to..  Some day we will be with You and these truths will bring even more praise to our lips.. eternal hallelujahs to Christ our King!  May we walk in faith and hope and love.. trusting that You will help us to see and perceive.. hear and understand.. to believe and obey Your Word until that glorious day!  Fill us with Your Word and let Your Spirit lead us in all the ways of Christ we pray. Amen. 

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