Monday, May 31, 2021

 Hebrews 11:11-40 Again -  "faith is the assurance of things hoped for and the conviction of things not seen".  Every example given in this chapter is a witness.. a testimony of men and women who lived by faith... assured of God's promises to them... even when they could not see it or would not see it this side of heaven. 

Sarah was assured that she would conceive a child.. even though she was past child bearing age.  Her hope was in God who made the promise, believing He was faithful. Abraham believed God's promise to multiply his descendants.. even as he prepared to offer Isaac on an altar.  His hope remained in God's promise. 

Isaac "blessed Jacob and Esau".  His hope was in God's plan for their futures.  Jacob passed down that blessing onto his sons.. with hope for God's promise to be fulfilled in them.  Joseph continued in faith, believing that Israel's future would be in the land that God promised to Abraham.  He was so sure of it that he "gave orders concerning his bones." 

The parents of Moses acted by faith, hiding him for three months, putting their hope in God's promises. Moses' life was built on faith..assured that God would fulfill His promise to set His people free.  "By faith he left Egypt, not fearing the wrath of the king; for he endured, as seeing Him who is unseen." (v27) 

By faith the Israelites followed the Lord's command to march around Jericho's walls. By faith Rahab waited to be rescued. They believed and then... they saw it happen. 

Yet, not everyone saw the promise fulfilled before their eyes. Some did and some just kept waiting. 

By faith we wait on God.. to bring us to the place He has prepared for us. We are assured that what we hope for - eternal life with Jesus..  forever in the presence of our that unseen City.. will happen... if... we "lay aside every encumbrance, and the sin which so easily entangles us... "  and if we "run with endurance the race that is set before us... fixing our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of faith .."  (12:1-2)

Father, by faith we come to You.. to worship You and honor Your name, to seek Your will and Your Kingdom.  Help us to imitate the faith of these witnesses.  Help us to keep waiting on You, assured that You will do what You have promised. We are fixing our eyes on Jesus. We are striving to walk by faith and to set aside all those things that try to trip us up. Help us in our weaknesses. Lead us in righteousness and deliver us from evil. Help us to trust in Your Word-  that we are in Jesus and Jesus is in us.. and that together we are in You. Help us to hold fast.. to endure.. and to keep running the race.. until that Day when what is unseen will finally be seen.  In Jesus' name we pray. Amen. 

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