Friday, May 14, 2021

 Hebrews 3 Twice in this chapter, the writer exhorts us to "hold fast.. until the end". (v6,14)... to remember and not forget, to cling to -  "confidence".. "hope".. "assurance". To hold onto Jesus.. "the Apostle and High Priest of our confession." 

Hold fast to Jesus.  For a hardened heart will provoke God(v8); because an unbelieving heart will make you fall away from Him (v12); and because a disobedient heart will keep you from entering "His rest". (v18-19)

The Israelites heard God's voice. They saw His glory in the cloud that surrounded Mount Sinai. They experienced His provision of manna.. daily!  But, they did not "hold fast". They didn't remember. They didn't trust Him. They hardened their hearts.. just like Pharaoh.  How tragic! 

It happens too often. 

The Word here tells us to "take care" - we must take action against having an "evil, unbelieving heart". One way we can do this by encouraging "one another day after day, as long as it is still called 'Today'".

Encourage someone today.. to hold on to their confidence in Jesus Christ.  Encourage each other today to  have hope! Encourage each other today to have firm assurance in their partnership with Jesus Christ.  Encourage each other today to not harden their hearts, but to trust in Jesus Christ, the great High Priest who stands with us, bringing us to the throne of grace where we can find help in times of need. We all need to hear this.. don't we? Take care to just "do it"!

Father in heaven, You are the builder "of all things".  You have made us Your House, with Christ our Leader and Lord. We have become "partakers of Christ".. what an amazing Truth! May we hold fast to Jesus.. today.. and every day. Help us to take care, to encourage one another, and to stand firm on Christ the Solid Rock.  Clothe us with this Truth that we bind around us. Cover us with the Righteousness of our Lord Jesus, who paid the price for us. Thank You for being our helmet of salvation that covers our heads in the battle. May we stand firm in the Peace that You have provided, ready to share the good news with those who need to hear it. We take up our shields of faith, believing that You have already overcome the fiery darts of the enemy. We take up the sword of Your Spirit.. the Word of God, and we pray.. Let Your name be honored; Let Your kingdom come; and Let Your will be done on earth, in us, as it is in heaven. In the Name of Jesus we ask for daily bread, for forgiveness of all unbelief, for deliverance from all evil, and for guidance in our walk with You today. To Thy glory and honor forever. Amen. 

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