Tuesday, June 1, 2021

 Hebrews 12:1-3  The Word of God encourages us.. commands us.. and entreats us.. to fix our eyes on Jesus.  He is the "author and perfecter of faith".   He is the leader.. the captain.. the chief.. the beginning of faith. He is the completer, the finisher.. the consummate..the fulfiller of faith.  The alpha and omega.. the beginning and the end.  Everything relies on Jesus.. the "appointed heir of all things, through whom also He made the world."  

"...Consider Him who has endured such hostility by sinners against Himself, so that you may not grow weary and lose heart." 

Consider Jesus.. when sin tries to entangle you. 

Consider Jesus.. when the race seems too much. 

Consider Jesus.. when weakness threatens.. 

When you grow weary and faint.. turn your eyes to Jesus.  He "endured the cross".. He "despised the shame".. but He did it for the "joy set before Him".  He did it for you and for me. 

"Fix my eyes on Jesus only. 

I want no other

I hope in Him.

He is the One who called and chose me.

To give me life and love and peace"

Father in heaven, I need You.. I need Jesus.. I need Your Spirit.. for the weariness of this world is often more than we can handle.  But You say.. "Those who wait on the Lord will find new strength.. "  Our hope is in You.  You say we will "soar aloft as with eagles' wings;" That we will run and not grow weary... and we will walk and not grow tired.  You are the everlasting God who never tires or grows weary! You are the Creator of the heavens and the earth. You give strength to the powerless.  Praise to the Lord! Praise and honor and glory belong to You. Thank You Jesus for enduring the cross for us. amen. 

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