Wednesday, May 19, 2021

 Hebrews 6-7  The writer was not kidding when he wrote that he was leaving behind the "elementary teaching" and "pressing on to maturity"..  This whole section deals with Christ "having become a high priest forever according to the order of Melchizedek". Weighty stuff.. 

According to the Law, only descendants of Aaron could be priests.  But, it is according to an oath.. an oath sworn by God, Himself.. that Christ was made a "priest forever according to the order of Melchizedek " (v20)

We are reminded here that God made a promise to Abraham, and "since He could swear by no one greater He swore by Himself.."  to multiply his descendants.  This promise was fulfilled.  The writer encourages his readers to "realize the full assurance of hope until the end".  It took faith and patience for Abraham. It will take faith and patience for us too... to wait on God.. for He will fulfill His promises.  This is the "hope we have as an anchor of the soul and one which enters within the veil."  (v19)

God cannot lie and He does not change. Therefore we can "hold on to the hope set before us." The hope we have is a "better hope" because it is anchored in Jesus, whose life is "indestructible"; whose priesthood is forever; whose salvation is complete; and through Whom we can "draw near to God". 

"Jesus has become the guarantee of a better covenant".(7:22)  He "abides forever" (v24) and "holds His priesthood permanently".  He is a high priest who "is fitting" - He is "holy, innocent, undefiled, separated from sinners and exalted above the heavens." (v26).  He does not need to offer continual sacrifices, for He " did once for all when He offered up Himself." (v27)  Appointed according the the oath, the sworn promise of God, the Son is our perfect high priest.. forever

Father in heaven, how perfect are Your ways!  How wonderful Your works! We thank You for giving us such a Great High Priest!  O that we will grasp the hope set before us more and more. Help us to follow the example of Abraham.. and with faith and patience trust You to completely fulfill all Your precious promises.  You promise that  Jesus will come again to take us Home.. to be with You forever... and this is our blessed hope.  You have promised that You would fulfill Your purposes for us, so help us to rest in that Truth. Help us Lord to stop struggling, stop trying to do it ourselves.. but to hold fast to these promises, knowing and completely assured that You are able to do even more than we can ask or imagine.  Praise God! Amen and amen!

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